is washed with water, and then transferred in a molten state to a purification unit.
where it is dried at 120°C and 15 mm Hg. The product is crude dinitrobenzene.
The amount of H 2 SO 4 in the waste acid from dinitration is about 80%. After
mixing with nitric acid it can be used for mononitration.
Purification. 4500 kg of molten dinitrobenzene (i.e. one charge of the ni-
trator) are run into a washing tank (C). The tank of 12 m^3 capacity must be made
of stainless steel, lined with tiles, and fitted with a lead coated lid and a lead
coated stirrer. 3000 1. water at ca. 80°C are run into it over the dinitrobenzene, with
constant stirring. The whole is allowed to cool until granulation begins at ca. 70°C,
the exact temperature depending on the stirrer and on the quality of the dinitro-
benzene. Immediately granulation begins, 650 kg of sodium sulphite are introduced
at a rate of 100 kg per 15 min. The temperature rises to 78°C and stirring must
be continued for another 3 hr.
Samples should be taken, filtered, washed and dried. The setting point should
not be lower than 88.5°C. If it is too low, 25-30 kg more of sodium sulphite are
The contents of the washing tank are cooled by circulating water within the
jacket to 20-25°C. The mother liquor is pumped off through a wire gauze and
the product is washed with cold water. Washing is continued until the colour chan-
ges from dark red to light yellow. The dark wash-liquors are discarded, the light
ones being kept for the next batch.
The washed product is heated to 95°C and when in a molten state it is dried
under reduced pressure. The drier consists of a jacketed cylindrical vessel of 12 m^3
capacity. Finally, the pure dried product is turned into flakes.
The product has the setting point 88.5-89°C.
The yield is 100 kg of crude dinitrobenzene from 48 kg of benzene (96.7%
theoretical). 100 kg of pure dinitrobenzene are obtained from 118 kg of crude
product. This makes an overall yield of 81.9% calculated on benzene.
The crude product, according to Griesheim’s experience, contains: 85% of
meta-, 13% of ortho- and 2% of para- isomers.
Three isomers of trinitrobenzene are known: 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (sym-tri-
nitrobenzene), 1,2,4-trinitrobenzene and 1,2,3-trinitrobenzene:
Their melting points are: 122°C, 62°C and 127.5°C respectively.