
(Michael S) #1

As Pascal [20] found, in the nitration of 1,5-dinitronaphthalene a product of the
following percentage of isomers can be obtained:
1,3,5- 24.2%
1,4,8- 8.8%
1,2,5- (?) 47.5%

The rest (19.5%) consists of resinous products difficult to identify, plus un-
changed dinitronaphthalene.
Using lower nitration temperatures (e.g. 65°C) results in a decrease of the y-isomer
content. The contents of isomers in the product are then:
1,3,5- 34.4%
1,2,5- (?) 58.9%
Resinous substances are present in 6.7%.
According to Pascal, by the nitration of 1,8-dinitroniphthalene two isomers:
1,3,8- 85.1%
1,4,8- 9.6%
may be obtained, along with amorphous products and unconverted dinitronaph-


Pascal also obtained, by nitrating naphthalene to trinitronaphthalene, a mixture
of isomers of the composition:
1,3,5- 11-14.7% 1,4,8- 6-10%
1,3,8- 54.3-57.6% 1,2,5- (?) 21.5-25.5x

Patart reports that trinitronaphthalene can be prepared from naphthalene
(1 part) using nitration mixtures (30 parts) of the composition:
HNO 3 18-100%
H 2 SO 4 0-76%
H 2 O 0-6%
When starting from dinitronaphthalene mixtures :
HNO 3 15-100%
H 2 SO 4 0- 70%
H 2 O 0- 15%
should be used for the preparation of trinitronaphthalene.


1,3,5- (α)− and 1,3,8- (β)− trinitronaphthalenes form the following molecular
compounds α 3 .β, α.β, α.β 3 (Pascal [20]).
Trinitronaphthalenes can be oxidized relatively easily to form corresponding
nitrophthalic acids.
Some of the nitro groups can be relatively readily substituted by a methoxy
or ethoxy group when heated with the corresponding sodium alcoholate. The
oxidation of such a compound leads in the first place to rupture of the ring with
the alkoxy group.
Oxidation reactions have been utilized for determining the constitution of trini-
tronaphthalene isomers.
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