Edwards and Steiner [4] and also by Gaughran, Picard and Kaufman [5]. However,
Boyer expressed the view that the o- dinitroso structure (III) is more probable:
In the light of the above, the structure of dinitrodinitrosobenzene should be
presented by the formulae IIa and IIIa respectively:
In the end the benzofuroxane structure (II) was accepted for o- dinitrosobenzene
(mainly on the basis of the NMR spectrum (Engler [7]).
Dinitrodinitrosobenzene is a powerful explosive: it gives a lead block expansion
of 360 cm^3.
By heating trinitrotriazidebenzene (see Vol. III) at 100°C or higher Turek [8]
obtained a compound to which he assigned the structure of hexanitrosobenzene
(I, m. p. 159°C).
Hexanitrosobenzene is a stable, non-hygroscopic substance. It is more sensitive
to impact than tetryl. The lead block expansion it gives is larger than that given
by tetryl.
In the light of the above considerations the benzotrifuroxane structure (II)
might be assigned to the Turek’s hexanitrosobenzene,