Füllpulver (Fp02), 290
Fulminates, 1, 2
Fulminic acid, 82
Fulminuric acid, 587
“Gelbmehl”, 566
Glycerine dinitrate, 122
Glycerine nitrosulphate, 122
Griesheim (I. G. Farbenindustrie) factory, 232,
276, 277, 288, 450, 456, 458, 460, 469,
486, 514, 562
method, 255
process, 247
Grignard reagent, 186
Gun powder, 3
Halogenobenzenes, 449
Halogeno-2,4-dinitrobenzenes, 198
Halogenonitrodiols, ultra-violet spectrum of,
Heat capacity, 145
Heat exchange, 156
Heat generated during mixing the acids, 145,
Heat of combustion,
of dinitrotoluenes, 282
mononitrotoluenes, 269
nitro derivatives of benzene, 260
α− trinitrotoluene, 299
unsymmetrical trinitrotoluenes, 327
Heat of crystallization of a-trinitrotoluene, 299
Heat of dilution, 143, 144, 149, 150
Heat of evaporation, of α− trinitrotoluene, 299
Heat of explosion, of α− trinitrotoluene, 319
Heat of formation,
of dinitrotoluenes, 282
nitro derivatives of benzene, 260
mononitrotoluenes, 269
unsymmetrical trinitrotoluenes, 327
α− trinitrotoluene, 299
Heat of interaction between the anhydrous
acids, 146
Heat of mixing, 146
Heat of nitration,
of benzene, 260, 261
dinitro- to trinitrotoluenes, 329
mononitrotoluene to dinitrotoluene, 283
toluene, 269
α− trinitrotoluene, 299
Heksyl, 562
Hellhoffites, 534
Henry’s law, 29
Herbicide (dinitro-o-cresol), 163
Hexadeuterobenzene, 37
Hexamin, 562
Hexanite, 562
Hexanitrobenzene, 230
Hexanitrocarbanilide, 570
2,4,6,2’,4’,6’-Hexanitrodiphenyl, 417
2,2’,4,4’,6,6’-Hecxanitrodiphenylamine, 161
417, 556, 562
chemical properties of, 563
explosive properties of, 564
manufacture of, 565
physical properties of, 563
2,4,6,3’,4’,6’-Hexanitrodiphenyl ether, 550
Hexanitrodiphenylguanidine, 571
Hexanitrodiphenyl sulphide, 553
2,2’,4,4’,6,6’-Hexanitrodiphenyl sulphone, 554
Hexanitrodiphenylurea, 570
Hexanitrohydrazobenzene, 575
Hexanitrodiphenylamine, 161, 295, 417, 556,
Hexanitro-oxanilide, 570
Hexanitrostilbene, 416
Hexasulphide, 553
Hexyl - see Hexanitrodiphenylamine
Hexide, 553
n-Hexyl alcohol nitrate, 106
Hexanitroethane, 124, 125, 596
Hexanitrosobenzene, 603
Huddersfield, factory, 530
Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, nitration of, 83
Hydrogen bond, 7, 9, 217
Hydrogen peroxide, 120, 121, 205
Hydrolysis of chlorodinitrobenzene,
Russian method, 484
German method, 486
Hydronitracidium ion, 12
3-Hydroxydiphenyl, 535
Hydroxylamine, 206
p- Hydroxyphenylbydroxylamine, 114
Hydroxy-2,4,6trinitrobenzoic acid, 338
of picric acid, 489
α− trinitrotoluene, 296
Hydroxamic acids, 185
ICI Ltd., 503 (523)
Ignition and burning of nitromethane, 581