Pentadeuteronitrobenzene, 38
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, 122, 224, 295
n-Pentane, nitration of, 86
Pentanitrodiphenyl ether, 549, 550
Pentanitrohydrazobenzene, 575
Pentanitrophenol, 532
Perchlorates, 1, 2
Perchloric acid, 42
derivatives of, 1
Pernitrous acid, 120, 121
Peroxides, 1, 2, 88
Phenanthrenoquinone, 54
Phenanthridine, 196
Phenazine oxide, 195
Phenazines, 195
Phenetole, nitration of, 85
Phenol, nitration of, 48, 84, 85, 93, 504,
514, 516
side reactions of, 15-77
Phenolsulphonic acid, nitration of, 506, 509, 512
Phenothiazine tetranitrosulphoxide (“Press-
ling”), 572
Phenyldinitroethylene, 100
Phenyldinitromethane, 96, 102
Phenylmercuric nitrate, 113
Phenylnitroethane, 83
Phenylnitromethane, 93, 96, 122, 215, 598
aci-form of, 182, 185
Phloroglucinol, 535
Photonitration, 105
Phthalic anhydride, 201
Picramic acid, 571, 572
Picramide - see 2,4,6-Trinitroaniline
ammonium, 527
guanidine, 530
Picric acid, 3, 4, 92, 151, 203, 214, 221,
222-225, 258, 295, 400, 532
chemical properties of, 491
density of, 490
explosive properties of, 494
hygroscopicity of, 489
manufacture of, 499
physical properties of, +86
sensitiveness to impact, 319
separation and washing, 517
solubility of, 487
thermochemical properties of, 490
toxicity of, 495
Picric acid salts, 525
danger produced by, 530
Picryl azide, 602
Picryl chloride, 178, 400, 459
chemical properties of, 461
physical properties of, 460
Picrylhydroxylamine, 257
Picryl iodide, 178
Picrylpyridinium chloride, 124, 464
Picrylpyridinium nitrate, 124
Picryl sulphide, 553
Pinene, nitro derivatives of, 59
Plosophoric groups, 2
Polyalkylbenzene, nitration of, 74
Polyhydric phenols, 535
Polynitro compounds, 207
Polynitrododecanes, 87
Polynitroethylene, 596
Polynitro paraffins, 87
Potassium cyanide, 205, 237
Potassium ferricyanide, 204
Potassium nitrate, 47
Potassium picrate, 202
of dinitrobenzene, 242
dinitrotoluenes, 285
mononitrotoluenes, 271
nitrophenols, 479
tetranitromethane, 593
unsymmetrical trinitrotoluenes, 336
Pressling - see Phenothiazine tetranitrosulp-
Propionanilide, nitration of, 12
Pseudo-acid, 21
Pseudonitroles, 184
Pyrocatechol, 535
Pyrosulphuric acid, 13
γ− Radiation, in nitration, 126
Raman quantum efficiency, 43
Raman spectra - see Spectra, Raman
Rate of detonation, of trinitrotoluene,
Rate of nitration, 72, 153
X-Ray spectra - see Spectra, X-ray
Reaction rate, 67
Reactivity, of nitro group, 192
Reinsdorf, factory, 391
Resazurin, 480
Resorufin, 480
Resorcinol, 535
Roozeboom’s system, 429