Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2016

(Ben Green) #1

Fundamentals of Drawing Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS® 2016

Drawing views are inserted as follows:

  • Utilize the Model View tool from the View Layout
    tab in the CommandManager.

  • Drag and drop a part into the drawing to create three

Standard Views.

  • Predefine views in a custom Drawing Template.

  • Drag a hyperlink through Internet Explorer.

  • Drag and drop an active part view from the View

Palette located in the Task Pane. With an open part,
drag and drop the selected view into the active
drawing sheet.

The Top view and Right view are projected off the

view you place in the Front view location. Any view

can be dragged and dropped into the Front view
location of a drawing.

The View Palette from the Task Pane populates when


  • Click Make Drawing from Part/Assembly.

  • Browse to a document from the View Palette.

  • Select from a list of open documents in the View Palette.

Move Views and Properties of the Sheet

The GUIDE drawing contains four views. Reposition the
view on a drawing. Provide approximately 1in. - 2in.

(25mm - 50mm) between each view for dimension


Move Views on Sheet1 to create space for additional

Drawing View placement. The mouse pointer provides feedback in both the Drawing

Sheet and Drawing View modes. The mouse pointer displays the Drawing

Sheet icon when the Sheet properties and commands are executed.

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