Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2016

(Ben Green) #1

Fundamentals of Drawing Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS® 2016

Tangent Edges Visible provides clarity

for feature edges. To address the ASME
Y14.5 standard, use Tangent Edges With

Font (Phantom lines) or Tangent Edges

Removed. Right-click in the view

boundary to access the Tangent Edge


Drawing views can be displayed in High

quality and Draft quality. In High quality,

all model information is loaded into

memory. By default, drawing views are

displayed in High quality.

In Draft quality, only minimum model

information is loaded into memory. Utilize

Draft quality for large assemblies to

increase performance.

Utilize Options, System Options,
Drawings, Display Style to control the

quality of a view.

By default, SOLIDWORKS will populate

Section and Detail views before other
views on your drawing.

Use the Pack and Go tool to save and gather all

related files for a model design (parts, assemblies,

drawings, references, design tables, Design Binder

content, decals, appearances, and scenes, and
SOLIDWORKS Simulation results) into a single

folder or zip file. It’s one of the best tools to

utilize when you are trying to save a large

assembly or drawing with references and

SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components.

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