Fundamentals of Drawing Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS® 2016
Exercise 4.1: L - BRACKET Drawing
Create the A (ANSI) Landscape - IPS - Third
Angle L- BRACKET drawing as illustrated
- First create the part from the drawing, then create the drawing.
- Insert the Front, Top, Right and Shaded Isometric view using
the View Palette tool from the Task Pane. Hide the Top view. - Insert dimensions into the Sheet. Think about the required
extension line gaps needed between the Feature lines. Think
about the proper view and position for your dimensions. Use
the default A (ANSI) Landscape Sheet Format/Size.
- Insert Custom Properties: Material, Description DrawnBy, DrawnDate,
CompanyName, etc.
- Material is 1060 Alloy.
- Insert Company and Third
Angle projection icons. The
icons are available in the
homework folder.