PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

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Tolu Balsam
Myroxylon balsamum
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the balsam from
the sweltered trunks, the hardened resin balsam that has been
extracted from damaged trunks, softened and purified
through a process of melting and sweltering.


Flower and Fruit: The androgynous flowers grow on
pedicles approximately 12 cm long on simple, richly
blossomed racemes. The calyx is inferior, broadly tubular or
oblong-campanulate, dark green with short, rough hairs. The
5 petals are white and stemmed. The standard is almost
circular. The stamens are bright red and the 1-valve ovary is I
on a long stem. The fruit is a 1-seeded, indehiscent, winged
pod. The seeds are distinctly curved, brow-red and reniform.
Leaves, Stem and Root: These balsam trees grow to 25 m tall
with a round, spreading crown that only starts to branch at a
height of 13 to 19 m. The bark is smooth, yellow-gray or
brown with numerous lenticles. The leaves are usually odd-
pinnate and have 4 to 7 obovate, acuminate, coreacious,
short-petioled leaflets. The upper surface is dark green and
the lower surface pale green.

Characteristics: Before drying, the resin smells strongly of
vanilla or benzoin.
Habitat: Myroxylon balsamum is indigenous to South and
Central America, Sri Lanka and Jamaica.
Production: Peruvian balsam consists of the balsam generat-
ed from scorched tree trunks of Myroxylon balsamum. The
bark of 10-year-old trees is removed just above ground level
and this area is scorched with a flame, after which the M
balsam is collected in cloths placed on the scorched area.
Tolu Balsam consists of the balsam generated from the
incised tree trunks of Myroxylon balsamum. The balsam is
purified by melting, straining and solidifying. A V-shaped
incision is made in the tree trunk, and a vessel is secured
under the incision to collect the resin, which is then cleaned.
Other Names: Balsam Tree, Peruvian Balsam, Tolu
Ester mixture, so-called cinnamein (50-70%): made up of
benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamoate
Resins (20-30%): chief constituent cinnamic acid ester of the
so-called peruresitannols (polymer)
Volatile oils: including some with nerolidol
The drug has an antibacterial/antiseptic effect, promotes the -
granulation process and is antiparasitic (especially for
scabies). The main active constituent is an ester mixture that
mainly contains benzyl benzoate.
Ester mixture (10-20%): made up of benzyl benzoate and
benzyl cinnamoate
Free benzoic acid/free cinnamic acid (10 to 30%)
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