PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

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crude drug formulation of herbal extracts against Entamoeba
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1995 Jan.
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Ayurvedic medicines Haritaki. Amala and Bahira reduce
cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits. Int J Cardiol.
21:167-75. 1988 Nov.
Yukawa TA, Kurokawa M. Sato H. Yoshida Y. Kageyama S.
Hasegawa T, Namba T, Imakita M. Hozumi T. Shiraki K.
Effect of tannins from Terminalia chebula Retz. on the
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Yukawa TA, Kurokawa M. Sato H. Yoshida Y. Kageyama S.
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Prophylactic treatment of cytomegalovirus infection with
traditional herbs. Antiviral Res, 32:63-70, 1996 Oct.

Tsuga canadensis

See Pin us Bark

Bantu Tulip

Liriodendron tulipifera

Medicinal Parts: The bark is said to have medicinal

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are apical, ringle with 3
revolute, greenish-white sepals. There are 6 petals, 4 to 5 cm
long, greenish-yellow with orange bands near the base on the
inside similar to the tepals of the tulip. The flower has
numerous stamens and numerous apocarpic ovaries on a
spindle-shaped column. The small, 1-seeded nut with pointed
wings is in a 6 to 8 cm long, cone-like, aggregate fruit that is
light green when ripe.

Leaves, Stem and Root: Liriodendron tulipifera is a tree, up
to 60 m high. The leaves are alternate with saddle-shaped
middle lobes and 2 large lateral lobes, almost square in
outline, 8 to 15 cm long and wide, and usually rounded at the
base. The upper leaf surface is fresh green, the lower surface
a weak blue. The petioles are 5 to 10 cm long. The young
branches are yellow-green in summer and reddish-brown in
winter and spotted with lenticles. The young trunks are dark
green to gray and spotted white with lenticles. The trunks (up

to 3 m thick) of older trees have a brown, deeply grooved
Characteristics: The leaves are bright golden-yellow in
Habitat: Indigenous to North America, Europe and China.
Production: The Tulip Tree bark is the peeled and dried
branch bark of Liriodendron tulipifera.
Other Names: Yellow Poplar
Isoquinoline alkaloids (0.1%), particularly of the aporphine
type: including remerine, lysicamine, liriodenine, lanugosine
Lignans (0.1%): including liriodendrin
Volatile oil (0.1%): chief components cis-beta-ocimene,
beta-pinene, bornyl acetate
Hydroxycumarins: esculetin methyl and dimethyl esters
The alkaloids contained in the drug are antimicrobial in
effect, and a positively inotropic effect has been described.
Its usefulness as a tonic and a stimulant appears to be
plausible, based upon its qualities as a bitter substance.
Unproven Uses: According to Hoppe's 1958 work on drugs,
Linodendron tulipifera is used as a febrifuge and antiperiod-
ic. Folk medicine indications have included fever, menstrual
complaints, insomnia and malaria.
The drug is considered toxic, due to its alkaloid content.
Administration in animal experiments led to coma (exact
details unavailable). No case of poisoning among humans
has been recorded.
Preparation: There is no information in the literature.
Daily dosage: Powder: 4 to 8 g daily; decoction (30:500)
60 g daily.
Doskotch RW, el-Feraly FS, Antitumor agents. II. Tulipinolide,
a new germacranolide sesquiterpene, and constunolide. Two
cytotoxic substances from Liriodendron tulipifera L. J Pharm v
Sci, 28:877-80, 1969 Jul.
Hufford CD, Funderburk MJ, Morgan JM, Robertson LW, Two
antimicrobial alkaloids from heartwood of Liriodendron
tulipifera L. J Pharm Sci, 64:789-92, 1975 May.
Rzedowski M, Furmanowa M, Molak W, Liriodenine in tissue
culture of Liriodendron tulipifera L. II. Quantitative analysis
and antifungal effect. Acta Pol Pharm. 42:300-4, 1985.
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