PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New
York 1995.

Vaccinium myrtillus

See Bilberry

Vaccinium uliginosum

See Bog Bilberry

Vaccinium vitis-ideae

See Alpine Cranberry


Valeriana officinalis
Valerian Root (available from numerous manufacturers,)
Herbal Sure Valerian Root, NuVeg Valerian Root, Valerian
Root Alcohol Free, Valerian Power Time Release, Valerian
Root Power, Standardized Valerian, Natural Herbal Valerian
Root, Nature's Root Nighttime, Quanterra Sleep
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the carefully dried
underground parts and the dried roots.

Flower and Fruit: The androgynous, bright, pink-to-white
flowers are in panicled cymes. The calyx consists of 10
revolute tips. The corolla is funnel-shaped with a 5-sectioned
margin. The tube has a bump at the base. There are 3
stamens. The ovary is inferior and has 3 chambers. The fruit
is ovate-oblong, yellow, indehiscent and has a 10-rayed tuft
of white hair.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is 50 to 100 cm high and
has a short, cylindrical rhizome with finger-length, bushy
round roots. The stem is erect and unbranched. The leaves
are odd-pinnate with 11 to 23 lanceolate, indented-dentate
leaflets. The lower ones are petiolate and the upper ones
sessile and clasping with a white sheath.

Characteristics: The flowers are fragrant and the rhizome
smells strongly when dried. The odor is not present in the
fresh plant. Hydrolysis of componants in the root form
isovaleric acid which is responsible for the offensive smell.

Habitat: The plant is found in Europe and in the temperate
regions of Asia. It is cultivated mainly in central Europe,
England, France, eastern Europe, Japan and the U.S.
Production: Valerian root, consisting of fresh underground
plant parts, or parts carefully dried below 40° C of the
species Valeriana officinalis. Cultivation is possible in low-
lying, sandy, humus soil that is well supplied with lime and
situated in a damp area. The root is harvested in September.
The fresh roots are washed, chopped, and carefully dried in
circulating air under 40^3 C.

Not to be Confused With: Confusion with other species
seldom occurs since the plant is primarily supplied via
cultivation. The most dangerous adulteration of the plant
occurs by the addition of the roots of Veratrum album.
Other Names: Ail-Heal, Amantilla. Setwall, Setewale. Ca-
pon's Tail, Heliotrope, Vandal Root
Iridoids: valepotriates (valeriana-epoxy-triacylates, iridoide
monoterpenes, 0.5-2.0%) chief components (50-80%). iso-
valtrate (up to 46%), isovaleroxyhydroxy didrovaltrate
(IVDH-valtrate, 10-20%), including among others, didroval-
trate, acevaltrate
Volatile oil (0.2-1.0%): chief components (-)-bornyl isoval-
erenate and isovalerenic acid (both aroma-carriers), includ-
ing among others, (-)-bomyl acetate, isoeugenyl valerenate,
isoeugenyl isovalerenate, also with some strains valerenal,
valeranone, cryptofaurinol
Sesquiterpenes: valerenic acid (0.1-0.9%), 2-hydroxyvaler-
enic acid, 2-acetoxy-valerenic acid
Pyridine alkaloids (traces, cat pheromone): actinidine,
valerianine, alpha-methylpyrrylketone
Caffeic acid derivatives: chlorogenic acid.
The subspecies within the collective species differ in their
constituent substances spectra.
In animal experiments, the interaction of the various
constituents are centrally depressive, sedative, anxiolytic,
spasmolytic, muscle relaxing and anti-ulcerogenic. The
pharmacological efficacy is heavily dependent on the quality
of the extract used.The main effect in humans is to reduce
sleep induction time. In vitro the valerenic acid componants
have been shown to decrease the degradation of gamma—
aminobutyric acid (GABA.) Animal experiments have dem-
onstrated an increase of GABA at the synaptic cleft via
inhibition of re-uptake and an increase in secretion of the
neurotransmitter. The increase of available GABA is one
factor that may be responsible for the sedative properties of
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