PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
muscarinic An effect characterized by contraction of smooth
muscle, excessive salivation and perspiration, abdominal colic
and excessive bronchial secretion.

Ned 5 Nederlande Pharmacopee V (1926).

Ned 6 Nederlandse Pharmacopee VI (1958),
Staatsdrukkerij - en uitgeverijbedrijf, "s-Gravenhage.

Ned 9 Nederlandse Pharmacopee IX (1983-87),

NF XV National Formulary XV

Nord 63 Pharmacopoea Nordica, Editio Danica III (1963).
Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, Kopenhagen.

Norv V Pharmacopoea Novegica V (1939).

nutlet The stone in a drupe.

NYHA New York Heart Association.

OAB 81 Osterreichisches Arzneibuch (1981), Vols 1-2,
Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei, Wien.

OAB 9 Osterreichisches Arzneibuch 9. Ed. (I960), Vols. 1-2,
Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei, Wien.

OAB 90 Osterreichisches Arzneibuch (1990) und 1. Suppl.,
Verlag der Osterreichischen Staatsdruckerei, Wien.

obstipation Persistent or intractable constipation.

panicle A loose, multiple flower cluster usually formed from
numerous branches.

pedicel The stalk that supports a single flower in an
inflorescence of flowers arranged upon a common peduncle.

peduncle A stalk that bears a flower or flower cluster.

percolation A liquid containing the soluble portion of a drug
that has been filtered or separated from the plant matter.

perennial A plant that grows for three or more years.

perianth The external envelope of a flower which does not
include the calyx and corolla if they are distinguishable.

pericarp The wall of the ripened ovary of a flower containing
the germ of the fruit.

petal One of the leaves of the corolla.

petiolate The footstalk of a leaf.

PF IX Pharmacopee Francaise IX (1973).

PF VIII Pharmacopee Francaise = Codex Francaise VDI (1965).

PF X La Commission Nationale de Pharmacopee (1988),
Pharmacopee Francaise X. L' Adrapharm, Paris, + Suppl.

PhEur Euroaisches Arzneibuch. 2. Ed.

PI Ed 1/1 Pharmacopoea Intemationalis I (1955),
Internationales Arzneibuch, Vol. I, Wissenschaftliche
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart.

pinnate Compound leaves or leaflets that have a feather-like
arrangement with leaves arranged on both sides of a common

pinnatisect Cleft pinnately or almost to the midrib.

pistil The seed-bearing organ of flowering plants consisting of
the ovary and the stigma; usually with a style.

plaster A viscous substance that is spread on linen or cloth and
applied to a part of the body for healing purposes.

Pol IV FarmakopeaPolskaIV(l965).

Portug 35 Pharmacopeia Portuguesa(l 935).

Portug 46 Farmacopeia Portuguesa VI (1946) +
Suppl. 1961, 1967.

poultice A soft, moist mass of plant parts' that are wrapped in
muslin or gauze and applied warm or hot to the skin.

pubescent In botany, having a fuzzy surface; covered with
soft fine short hairs.

raceme An inflorescence where flowers are borne on stalks at
an almost equal distance apart along an elongated axis that
continues to grow with flowers opening in succession from

radix The root of a plant.

reniform When describing a leaf, kidney or bean shaped.

resin An amorphous, solid or semi-solid substance produced by
plants usually as a result of terpene oxidation.

reticulate Veins, fibers, or lines crossing like a network
across the surface of a leaf.
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