PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
Approved uses are presented in list fashion. Other uses
are described with provisos as necessary regarding
route and form of administration.

  • Contraindications: Although most natural reme-
    dies can be used under all medical circumstances, a few
    pharmacologically potent herbs must be avoided in the
    presence of certain medical conditions. If any such
    contraindications exist, they are summarized here.

  • Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Found in
    this section are any cautions or special considerations
    regarding safe use of the herb, including any restric-
    tions on use in pregnancy or childhood. Although most
    herbal remedies are notably free of known side effects,
    any reported in the available literature are noted here.

  • Overdosage: As we all know, "natural" is not syn-
    onymous with "benign," and an overdose of many
    "healing" herbs can have serious—even fatal—conse-
    quences. Whenever adverse effects of overdose have
    been found in the literature, they are reported here,
    along with the appropriate medical interventions to be
    undertaken when an overdose occurs.

  • Dosage: Listed here are common modes of admin-
    istration, forms and strengths of available commercial
    preparations, methods for preparing the natural herb,
    and representative dosage recommendations drawn
    from the literature. Note, however, that dosage recom-
    mendations can be used only as a general guide. The
    potency of individual preparations and extracts is sub-
    ject to substantial variation, so the manufacturer's
    directions should be consulted whenever available.

  • Literature: This section provides you with a unique
    bibliography of the technical literature. Because
    German researchers have been particularly active in the
    herbal arena, you will find an unusual number of
    German-language citations. However, work in the
    English literature is included as well.

PDR for Herbal Medicines is the product of one of the
most thorough and inclusive examinations of the herbal
literature ever undertaken. Nevertheless, it's important
to remember that it merely summarizes and synthesizes
key data from the underlying research reports, and of
necessity includes neither every published report nor
every recorded fact.

As in all scientific investigation, conclusions regarding
the effectiveness of the herbs discussed in this com-
pendium are based on the preponderance of current evi-
dence and cannot be considered firm or final. The pub-
lisher does not warrant that any herb will unfailingly
and uniformly exhibit the properties ascribed to it by
Germany's Commission E or any other scientific

In the United States, herbal products are marketed
under the provisions of the Dietary Supplement and
Health Education Act of 1994, which prohibits their
sale for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of
any disease. Enumeration of specific commercial
preparations within an herbal monograph should not be
construed as a claim or warranty of their efficacy for
any purpose, by either the manufacturer or the publish-
er. Furthermore, it should be understood that, just as
omission of a product does not signify rejection, inclu-
sion of a product does not imply endorsement, and that
the publisher is not advocating the use of any product
or substance described herein.

Please remember, too, that dosing of herbal prepara-
tions is highly dependent on a variety of factors, such
as cultivation and harvesting conditions, the specific
parts of the plant to be processed, the extraction meth-
ods employed, and the dosage form chosen by the man-
ufacturer. Since there are no official standards govern-
ing the production of herbal medicines in the United
States, and the potency and the purity of herbal prod-
ucts are subject to substantial variation, dosage ranges
set forth in the herbal monographs must be employed
only as general guidelines.

In addition, the publisher does not guarantee that every
possible hazard, adverse effect, contraindication, pre-
caution, or consequence of overdose is included in the
summaries presented here. The publisher has per-
formed no independent verification of the data reported
herein, and expressly disclaims responsibility for any
error, whether inherent in the underlying literature or
resulting from erroneous translation, transcription, or
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