PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Taraxacum officinale


k Dandelion Root (available from various manufacturers)
Alcohol-Free Dandelion, Wild Countryside Dandelion Root

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves
harvested before the flowering season, the dried root
collected in autumn, the dried aerial parts with the rhizome
harvested before the flowering season and the whole fresh

Flower and Fruit: The flower is a golden yellow composite
flower. The composite head is solitary and has a diameter of
3 to 5 cm. All the florets are lingual and androgynous. The
epicalyx is oblong-campanulate. The tepals are arranged in 3
imbricate rows, 2 of which are turned back. The inner one is
long acuminate with a white margin and erect. The
receptacle has no bracts. The fruit is small, long-beaked,
light gray-brown, ribbed and has a parachute-like tuft of hair.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial, hardy and is
found in a number of forms. It grows to about 30 cm tall and
has a short rhizome. The rhizome turns into a many-headed,
20 to 50 cm long and 2 cm thick taproot. The hollow stem is
erect or ascending. The basal leaves are glabrous or villous,
usually deeply notched, lanceolate and lobed like a saw.
They narrow to a red-violet tinged petiole and end in a large
deltoid tip.

Characteristics: The flower opens in the morning and closes
in the evening remaining closed all night and in dull weather.
The plant parts contain bitter latex.

Habitat: Dandelion grows in most temperate regions of
Europe and Asia.

Production: Dandelion root with herb consists of the entire
Taraxacum officinale plant gathered while flowering. It is air

Not to be Confused With: Cichorium intybus and the leaves
of various Leontodon species.

Other Names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Priest's
Crown, Swine Snout, Wild Endive

Sesquiterpene lactones (bitter substances): including, among
others, taraxinacety 1 -1' - O - glucosides, 11,13- dihydrotaraxi-
nacetyl -1' - O - glucosides, taraxacolide -1' - O - glucosides,
4alpha, 15,11 beta, 13 - tetrahydroridentin B

Triterpenes and sterols: beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol-gluco-
sides, taraxasterol, psi-taraxasterol, taraxerol, taraxol
Flavonoids: including among others, apigenin-7-O-gluco-
sides, luteolin-7-O-glucosides
Inulin (2-40%, high values in autumn)
The amaroids in Dandelion are cholagogic and secretolytic
in the upper intestinal tract. The saluretic effect demonstrated
in animal experiments requires further investigation.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Dyspeptic complaints

  • Infections of the urinary tract

  • Liver and gallbladder complaints

  • Loss of appetite
    Unproven Uses: Dandelion is used internally for distur-
    bances in bile flow, inflammatory conditions of the efferent
    urinary tract, and dyspepsia. It is also used for liver and
    gallbladder disorders, hemorrhoids, congestion in the portal
    system, gout, rheumatic disorders, eczema, and other skin
    disorders. The drug has a diuretic effect and is used for
    kidney and bladder complaints and kidney stone formation.
    A diabetic infusion is made from the roots and leaves.

Chinese Medicine: The drug is used for acute mastitis.
urinary disorders, and agalactia.
Indian Medicine: The drug is used for chronic ulcers.
tuberculosis, flatulence, colic, kidney disease, gout, jaundice.
and biliary stones.
Contraindications include closure of the biliary ducts.
gallbladder empyema, and ileus. Consultation with a doctor
is necessary in the presence of biliary ailments.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Superacid
_ gastric complaints are possible due to the drug's secretion-
stimulating effect. The drug possesses weak potential for
sensitization reactions.
Mode of Administration: Whole, cut, and powdered drug is
available in the form of drops, tinctures, juice, and in
compound preparations.
How Supplied:
Capsules—425 mg, 475 mg, 515 mg, 520 mg,

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