PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are axillary cymes
with 1 or a few flowers. The flowers are very small, short-
pedicled, inconspicuous and green or red with white
margins. The epicalyx has 5 bracts and is fused at the base.
There are 5 stamens, and the superior ovary has 3 styles. The
\ fruit is a nut, which is as long as the epicalyx and is matte
brown with wrinkled stripes, ovate to almost elliptical and
flattened on 3 sides.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a sturdy annual. The
main stem is initially erect, up to 1 m high and heavily
branched. It later becomes closely procumbent and spreads
along the ground. The leaves are alternate, entire-margined,
short-petioled with varying forms on the main and side
shoots. They are broadly elliptical to linear-lanceolate, acute
or obtuse. At the base of the leaves there is a scarious
divided leaf sheath. The thin, fusiform, brownish roots
produce a few hair-thin lateral roots.
Characteristics: The appearance depends on the location. It
may also have an ascending stem.
Habitat: The plant is found in most temperate regions of the
Production: Knotweed herb consists of the dried herb,
occasionally containing roots, of Polygonum aviculare,
gathered during flowering season.

Other Names: Allseed Nine-Joints, Armstrong, Beggarweed,
Bird's Tongue, Birdweed, Centinode, Cow Grass, Crawl-
grass, Doorweed, Hogweed, Knotgrass, Ninety-Knot, Pig-
rush, Pigweed, Red Robin, Sparrow Tongue, Swine's Grass,
Swynel Grass
Flavonoids (0.1-1%): chief components are avicularin (quer-
cetin-3-arabinoside), hyperoside, quercitrin, quercetin-3-ga-
lactoside, additionally including among others vitexin,
isovitexin, rhamnazine bisulphate
Silicic acid (1%): partially water-soluble

Hydroxycoumarins: umbelliferone, scopoletin

Lignans: aviculin
Knotweed has astringent properties. In vitro, the flavonoid
fraction is said to inhibit aggregation of human erythrocytes,
probably by an effect on cyclo-oxigenase.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Cough/bronchitis

    • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx

The herb is used as a mild catarrh of the respiratory tract for
inflammatory changes to the oral and pharyngeal mucosa.

Unproven Uses: In folk medicine iris used as a supportive
treatment for pulmonary disorders, as a perspiration inhibitor
in cases of tuberculosis, as a diuretic, as a hemostatic in
cases of hemorrhage and for skin disorders.

Chinese Medicine: In China, Knotweed is used for gonor-
rhoea, jaundice, skin defects, dysentery (red), itching and
tapeworm in children.

Homeopathic Uses: In homeopathy, Polygonum aviculare is
used for rheumatism of the fingers.
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic

Mode of Administration: As a ground herb for teas and other
galenic preparations for internal use and local application.
The drug is a component of various pectoral and bronchial
teas. The extract is found in standardized preparations of
antitussives and diuretics.

Preparation: To make a tea, place 1.5 gm finely cut drug in
cold water and bring to a simmer. Strain after 5 to 10
minutes (1 teaspoonful = 1.4 gm drug).

Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 4 to 6 gm of drug.

Tea—As a supportive treatment for coughs and bronchial
catarrh, drink 1 cup 3 to 5 times a day.

Infusion for external use—The daily dose is 5 g drug.

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every
30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);
parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once
a day (HAB34)

Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl.-; Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-
Haverland F, PA 18:59-87. 1963.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.
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