PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

and have fertile stamens and hairy bracts. The female
flowers are dark-red.

Leaves, Stem and Root: Hagenia abyssinica is tree that grows
up to 6 m high with tuft-like, erect, pinnatifid leaves.

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northeast Africa and is
cultivated in Ethiopia.

Production: Kousso flowers are the flowers of Hagenia

Other Names: Cossoo, Kooso. Kosso

Acylphloroglucinols (kosotoxine): monomelic, dimeric, trim-
eric compounds, such as protocosin (trimeric); acyl residues
are isobutyryl- isovaleryl- and alpha-metylbutyryl residues;
representatives include, for example, cosin K6 and cosin
K8 (monomerous), cusso toxin (dimerous), protocosin


Kousso is a vermifuge because of its complex mixture of
aglyphloroglucinols, which has a taeiafugic effect. An
antitumoral effect has also been described

Unproven Uses: This obsolete drug, which can no longer be
procured, formerly was used to treat tapeworm infestation.
Its efficacy depended on the composition of the drug.

Side effects include irritation of the gastrointestinal tract,
salivation, nausea and diarrhea. A tendency toward fainting
spells, headache and general weakness has been connected
with the use of the drug during use as a tapeworm cure.
Abortive effects have been described. The drug should no
longer be administered in allopathic dosages.

Conditions of collapse and vision disorders have been
observed with overdosages. The treatment for poisoning
consists of gastrointestinal emptying (inducement of vomit-
ing, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium per-
manganate solution, sodium sulfate), installation of activated
charcoal and shock prophylaxis (quiet, warmth). Diazepam
(intravenous) should be used to treat spasms. Atropine and
electrolyte substitution should be employed. Possible cases
of acidosis should be countered with sodium bicarbonate
infusions. In case of shock, plasma volume expanders should
be administered. Monitoring of kidney function is essential.
Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary.

Mode of Administration: The drug is obsolete in most
Kem W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
harmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969.
Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen, 6. Aufl., Nachdruck, Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg 1992.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3.
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Metzner J et al., Antispastische Wirkung von Hagenia
abyssinica. In: PM 47(4):240-241. 1983.
Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte.

  1. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993.
    Schiemenz GP, Schroeder JM, Z Naturforsch 40B(5):669-680.
    Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie.
    Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994. Metzner
    J et al Antispastische Wirkung von Hagenia abyssinica. Planta
    Med 47 (1983), 240-241
    Woldemariam TZ, Fell AF, Linley PA, Chromatographic and
    spectroscopic studies on the constituents in male and female
    flowers of Hagenia abyssinica. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 8:859-65.

  2. Woldemariam TZ, Fell AF, Linley PA, Bibby MC, Phillips
    RM, Evaluation of the anti-tumour action and acute toxicity of
    kosins from Hagenia abyssinica. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 10:555-
    60, 1992 Aug

Krameria triandra
See Rhatany

Labrador Tea
Ledum latifolium
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves and the
flowering shoots.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in flat, terminal umbels.
The calyx i£ small and has 5 tips. The 5-petalled corolla is
white. The 10 stamens grow from the edge of a honey ring.
The ovary is superior. The fruit is a 5-valvular capsule.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The evergreen, branched shrub
grows to about 1.5 m. The young branches are gray or rust-
colored. The 1.25 to 2.5 cm long leaves are alternate, short-
petioled, entire-margined, and linear, have revolute margins,
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