PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow is'available from a number of manufacturers,
often as Marshmallow Root.
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the mallow
flowers, leaves, syrup and roots.

Flower and Fruit: The reddish-white flowers are usually in
axillary or terminal clusters. The 6 to 9 sepals of the epicalyx
are fused at the base, pointed and 8 to 10 mm long. There are
5 sepals, 5 heart-shaped petals and numerous stamens fused
together with the anthers to a column. The ovaries are in a
ring. There are numerous styles. The mericarps are smooth
and downy. The 5 to 8 mm fruit is disc-like and breaks up
into the mericarps, which are downy on the outside and often
have fine, branched and radiating ribs. The seeds are dark-
brown, glabrous, kidney-shaped and somewhat compressed.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The 60 to 120 cm high, hardy,
velvety plant has a thick erect root up to 50 cm long by a few
cm with secondary roots. The erect, succulent stem is usually
woody at the base but unbranched. The leaves are short-
petioled with an ovate, acute leaf-blade. The secondary
leaves are narrow and drooping. The lower leaves are 5-
lobed, and the upper cauline leaves are often triangular,
wider than they are long, and irregularly and roughly dentate.

Habitat: The plant was originally indigenous to Asia and
then spread westward to southeast Europe and eastward to
China. In temperate latitudes, Marshmallow is established as
a gardSFplant.

Production: Marshmallow root consists of the dried root,
unpeeled or peeled, of Althaea officinalis. The root cultures
are harvested from October to November, and after cleaning,
are carefully dried at a maximum temperature of 35° C.
Marshmallow leaves consist of the dried leaves of Althaea
officinalis. After harvest, the leaves are dried at a tempera-
ture of 40° C.
Not to be Confused With: May be confused with other Althea

Other Names: Moorish Mallow, Cheeses, White Maoow,
Althea, Mortification Root, Sweet Weed, Wymote, Mallards,
Schloss Tea

Mucilages: mixture of colloidally soluble polysaccharides,
particularly galacturonic rhamnans, arabinogalactans, ara-
bans and glucans

The drug alleviates local irritation, inhibits mucociliary
activity, stimulates phagocytosis, and functions as an anti-
inflammatory and anticomplementary agent, immune stimu-
lant and hypoglycemic. Efficacy has been demonstrated
when used as a gargle for inflammation of the mucous
membrane of the mouth and throat.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Cough/bronchitis
    Unproven Uses: Uses of the drug include irritation of the
    oral and pharyngeal mucosa and associated dry cough; mild
    inflammation of the gastric mucosa; as cataplasm for light
    inflammations and skin burns; and for insect bites. In folk
    medicine, marshmallow is employed for catarrh of the
    mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, as well
    as for inflammation, ulcers, abscesses, burns, constipation
    and diarrhea.
    General: No health hazards or side effects are known in
    conjunction with the proper administration of designated
    therapeutic dosages.
    Drug Interactions: The absorption of other drugs taken
    simultaneously may be delayed.
    Mode of Administration: Cut leaves for aqueous extracts as
    well as other galenic preparations for internal use. Cut or
    ground root for aqueous extracts as well as other galenic
    preparations for internal use. Marshmallow syrup is to be
    used only for treatment of dry coughs.

Note: Diabetics need to consider sugar concentration of
marshmallow syrup.
How Supplied:
Capsules — 460 mg
Cough mixture
Liquid — Generally in syrup form, which is also called
"snail juice": (1:1)
Tablets (coated and uncoated)
Preparation: To prepare a tea, use 10 to 15 g with 150 ml of
cold water and allow to stand for 90 minutes, then warm to
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