PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Cucurbitacins: chief component 25-acetoxy-2beta-D-gluco-
dien-22-one (1.0 to 1.5%. extremely bitter)
The acetophenone derivatives androsine and apocynine are
bronchospasmolytic and antiasthmatic in effect. In addition,
antiphlogistic, immunostimulating, antibacterial and antivi-
ral, hepatoprotective, choleretic, spasmolytic and insecticidal
action mechanisms were able to be demonstrated. The
positive influence of Picrorhiza kurroa in the treatment of
vitiligo is traceable to the immunomodulating and hepatopro-
tective characteristics of the drug.
Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses have included menstrual
complaints, enteritis, gall bladder complaints, for stomach
conditions as an emetic, fever, constipation, chronic dysen-
tery, scabies, leucoderma, joint pain, chronic asthma, infec-
tions, inflammations, coughs, hepatitis and snakebite.
Chinese Medicine: Picrorhiza is used for fever induced by
strain, hyperemia, dysentery, jaundice, carbuncles, hemor-
rhoids, epilepsy and malnutrition in children.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages.
Mode of Administration: Preparations for internal use.
Preparation: To prepare a tincture, 100 g finely cut and
crushed Kharbagehindi root with 37.5 g dried and crushed
orange peels, 12.5 g crushed cardamom to 1000 ml 45%
Daily Dosage: Powder: 0.6 to 1.2 g drug; as an antiperiodic
3 to 4 g. Tincture: 2 to 4 ml.
Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G,
Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen
Praxis. Folgeb nde 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin,
Heidelberg 1998.
Chander R, Dwivedi Y, Rastogi R, Sharma SK, Garg NK,
Kapoor NK, Dhawan BN, Effect of different extracts of kutaki
(Picrorhiza kurroa) on experimentally induced abnormalities in
the liver. Indian J Med Res, 95:34-7, 1990 Feb.
Chander R, Dwivedi Y, Rastogi R, Sharma SK, Garg NK,
Kapoor NK, Dhawan BN, Evaluation of hepatoprotective
activity of picroliv (from Picrorhiza kurroa) in Mastomys
natalensis infected with Plasmodium berghei. Indian J Med Res,
95:34-7, 1990 Feb.

Dorsch W, Sruppner H, Wagner H, Gropp M, Demoulin S,
Ring J, Antiasthmatic effects of Picrorhiza kurroa: androsin

prevents allergen- and PAF-induced bronchial obstruction in
guinea pigs. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol, 95:128-33, 1991.
Mahajani SS, Kulkami RD, Effect of disodium cromoglycate
and Picrorhiza kurroa root powder on sensitivity of guinea pigs
to histamine and sympathomimetic amines. Int Arch Allergy
Appl Immunol, 42:137-44, 1977.
Pandey BL, Das PK, Immunopharmacological studies on
Picrorhiza kurroa Royle-ex-Benth. Part III: Adrenergic
mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action. Indian J Physiol
Pharmacol, 42:120-5, 1988 Apr-Jun.
Pandey BL, Das PK, Immunopharmacological studies on
Picrorhiza kurroa Royle-ex-Benth. Part IV: Cellular mechanisms
of anti-inflammatory action. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 42:28-
30, 1989 Jan-Mar.
Shukla B, Visen PK, Patnaik GK, Dhawan BN, Choleretic
effect of picroliv, the hepatoprotective principle of Picrorhiza
kurroa. Planta Med, 95:29-33, 1991 Feb.
Vaidya AB, Antarkar DS, Doshi JC, Bhatt AD, Ramesh V,
Vora PV, Perissond D, Baxi AJ, Kale PM, Picrorhiza kurroa
(Kutaki) Royle ex Benth as a hepatoprotective agent -
experimental & clinical studies. J Postgrad Med, 42:105-8, 1996

Picrorhiza kurroa

See Picrorhiza

Pilocarpus microphyllus

See Jaborandi

Pilosella officinarum

See Mouse Ear

Pimenta racemosa

See Pimento


Pimenta racemosa
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the berries and the
oil extracted from them.
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