PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Sufficient fluid must be taken with the drug (150 ml water
per 5 gm drug). One study did show a greater effect of
Psyllium on cholesterol after mixing with food (Wolever,
1994). The dose should be taken one-half hour to one hour
after taking other medication.

How Supplied:
Capsule — 525 mg, 567 mg, 610 mg, 625 mg

Powder — 2.0 gm Psyllium per dose, 3.4 gm Psyllium per
dose, 6.0 gm Psyllium per dose (available in a variety of
package sizes)
Daily Dosage: The daily dosage ranges from! 2 to 40 gm of
the drug. The powder products should be administered as l
teaspoonful (3.4 gm to 6.0 gm drug) in 8 oz. of fruit juice or
cool water. Either stir briskly or shake for 3-5 seconds,
depending on the specific product. Psyllium may be taken up
to 3 times daily (Prod. Info. Konsyl®. 1999; Prod. Info.
Metamucil®, 1999).
Children: For children 6 to 12 years of age administer 1
teaspoonful (2.0 gm of the drug) in an empty glass and add 8
oz. of cool water. Stir briskly for 3-5 seconds. The dose may
be taken up to 3 times daily (Prod Info Konsyl for Kids®,
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