PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages.

Mode of Administration: Whole and powdered drug. Prepa-
rations are for internal use.

Preparation: Shoudihuang can be prepared in two ways:

Jiushoudihuang (jiudun method): The drug is simmered in
yellow rice wine over a low flame until all of the wine has
been absorbed (30 to 50 kg for 100-kg drug). It is then dried
in the sun until the.outcr skin (initially slimy) is dry, and is
then cut into 2 to % mm thick slices, which are dried.

Zhengshoudihuang (zheng method): Using this method, the
drug is steamed until it is smooth and black (80% loss of
moisture). It is then cut into 2 to 4 mm thick slices and dried.
Daily Dosage: Decoction — 9 to 15 g drug

Storage: The fresh root is stored in sandy earth, protected
from frost. The dried drug is stored dry in areas having good
air circulation.
Feng GP, Zhang SD, Yi NY, Effects of Rehmannia glutinosa,
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Kubo M, Asano T, Matsuda H, Yutani S, Honda S, Studies on
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116:476-8,451, 1985 Aug.
Ni M, Bian B, Wang H. Constituents of the dry roots of
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Yuan Y, Hou S, Lian T, Han Y, Studies of Rehmannia
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1988 Feb.

Rehmannia glutinosa

See Rehmannia (Di-Huang)

Rhamnus catharticus

See Buckthorn

Rhamnus frangula

See Frangula

Rhamnus purshiana

See Cascara Sagrada


Krameria triandra

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the air-dried root,
separated from the rhizome.

Flower and Fruit: The 7 to 12 mm long flowers are spare
terminal racemes. The calyx is petaloid. The sepals are
splayed, lanceolate, dark red, silky-haired on the outside.
The petals are irregular, with 2 glands, wedge-shaped, 3 to 5
mm wide, crimson and spatulate. The flower has 3 stamens.
The ovary is ovate, covered in bristly hairs with a thick
glabrous style. The fruit is solitary angular and bristled. It is
ovate and has numerous red-black bristly thorns.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 0.3 to 1 m high
subshrub whose long, 3 cm thick root is covered in a brown-
red, smooth, peeling bark. The younger branches are dark
green, silky to bristly haired, the older ones are black and
often gnarled. The leaves are entu-e-rnargined, ovate, silver-
gray pubescent, 6 to 15 mm long and 2 to 6 mm wide.

Habitat: Rhatany is mostly found in Peru, but there are a few
areas in countries bordering Peru and in the central Andes
where it is also found.
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