PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1


Herniaria glabra

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the fresh flowering

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in flat clusters of 7 to 10
in the leaf axils or opposite the leaves along the stem. They
are yellow-white and very small. The fruit is a membranous
capsule covered by the calyx and contains 1 seed.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an annual small shrub of
about 15 cm. The stem tends to be decumbent. It is round
and branched. The leaves are sessile, entire-margined,
elliptical and opposite. The leaves are alternate.

Characteristics: The plant is yellow-green and glabrous; it
creates suds when rubbed under water.

Habitat: The plant is found in the temperate and southern
regions of Europe and in Asian Russia.

Production: Rupturewort is the complete aerial part of
Herniaria glabra or Herniaria hirsuta. -

Other Names: Flax Weed, Herniary

Triterpene saponins: herniaria saponins I-VII (aglycones
medicagen, gypsogen, 16-hydroxy-medicagen)

Flavonoids: including hyperoside

Hydroxycoumarins: umbelliferone, herniarin

The main active principles (saponins, flavonoids, coumarins
and small amounts of tannins) are reported to have mild
spasmolytic and diuretic effects, which have not been
scientifically proven.
Unproven Uses: Herniaria glabra is used for disorders of the
efferent urinary tract, inflammatory disorders of the kidneys
and bladder, respiratory disorders, nerve inflammation, gout
and rheumatism, and as a blood purifier.

Health risks or side effects following the proper administra-
tion of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded.

Mode of Administration: The drug is administered as an
infusion and in tea mixtures, as an extract in drops and in
urological pharmaceutical preparations.

Preparation: Put 1.5 gm comminuted drug (1 teaspoonful is
equal to 1.4 gm) in cold water and bring briefly to a boil.
Strain after 5 minutes.

Daily Dosage: Drink 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily as a diuretic.
Cart J, Reznicek G, Korhammer S, Haslinger E, Jurenitsch J,
Kubelka W, The first spectroscopically confirmed saponin from
Herniaria glabra. In: PM 58(7)09. 1992.
Franck HP, (1975) Dtsch. Apoth Ztg 115:1206.
Freiler M et al., A new triterpenesaponin from Herniaria glabra.
In: PM 61 (Abstracts of 43rd Ann Congr):66. 1995.
Freiler M et al., Sci Pharm 64:359. 1996. f KroTikowska M,
Wolbis M, (1979) Acta Pol Pharm 36:469.
Reznicek G et al., PA 48:450. 1993.
Tama M et al., (1981) Clujul Med 54(1 ):73.
Zoz et al., (1976) Rastit Resur 12(3):411 (via CA 85:174257). f
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8, Springer
Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheirri 1979.
Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
mbH Stuttgart 1997.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Ruscus aculeatus

See Butcher's Broom

Rust-Red Rhododendron

Rhododendron ferrugineum
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried foliage
leaves, the dried leafy branches and the fresh leafy branches.

Flower and Fruit: The pink flowers are in umbel-like
racemes. The calyx has 5 short ovate tips. The corolla is
fused and funnel-shaped with an edge divided into 5
segments. It is covered on the outside with white or golden-
yellow resin spots. There are 10 stamens and 1 superior
ovary. The fruit is a 5-valved capsule. The seeds are
fusiform, about 1 mm long and light brown.
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