PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie,
Pharmakologie. 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994.

• Spinacia oleracea

See Spinach

Spiny Rest Harrow

Ononis spinosa

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the roots and
flowering branches.

Flower and Fruit: The pink flowers are solitary or in pairs in
the leaf axils. The calyx is campanulate with 5 segments.
The standard is large and has dark stripes. The ovoid, erect
fruit is a pod as long as or longer than the calyx.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a low subshrub of about
30 to 60 cm with a long taproot. The branches are erect,
spreading, villous and more or less densely covered in short
shoots, which terminate in straight thorns. The leaves are
trifoliate with 3 small, dentate, oblong leaflets. The upper
leaves are entire.

Characteristics: The plant has an unpleasant smell.

Habitat: Spiny Rest Harrow is common in almost all of
Europe, as well as in North Africa and western Asia.

Production: Spiny Rest Harrow root consists of the dried
roots and rhizomes of Ononis spinosa. The plant is harvested
in autumn.

Other Names: Cammock, Petty Whin, Stayplough, Rest-
Harrow, Wild Liquorice, Stinking Tommy, Ground Furze,
Land Whin
Isoflavonoids:. glycosides, including among others, trifoli-
rhizin (maackiain-7-0-glucoside), ononin (formononetin-7-0-
glucoside), ononin-6-malonylester, homopterocarpin-7-0-

Free isoflavonoids: including among others, formononetin,
genistein, biochanin

Volatile oil (0.02-0.2%): chief components anethole, car-
vone, menthol

Triterpenes: including among others, alpha-onocerin (alpha-



In combination with sufficient liquid intake, the drug is said
to be diuretic. The diuretic effect is disputed because it is not
sufficiently documented and can be attributed neither to the
essential oil nor to the flavonoids. In animal tests, an anti-
edemic effect was proven. The genistein is mildly estrogenic.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Infections of the urinary tract

  • Kidney and bladder stones

Preparations of the drug are used for flushing-out therapy for
inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and also for
prevention and treatment of kidney gravel.

Unproven Uses: Spiny Rest Harrow is popularly used for
gout, rheumatic complaints, as a flushing-out therapy for
inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract, and for
prevention and treatment of kidney gravel.

The drug should not be used in the presence of edema -
resulting from reduced cardiac or renal activity.

No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic

Mode of Administration: The drug is ground for teas and
other galenic preparations for internal use. Ample liquid
intake (at least 2 liters per day) should accompany use of the

Preparation: To prepare an infusion (tea), pour boiling water
over 2 to 2.5 g finely cut or coarsely powdered drug and
strain after 20 to 30 minutes (1 teaspoonful equals approxi-
mately 3 g).

Daily Dosage: 6 to 12 gm of drug.

Dedio I, Kozlowski J, (1977) Acta Pol Pharm 34:97..
Fujise Y et al., (1965) Chem Pharm Bull 13:93.
Haznagy A, Thot G, Tamas J, Constituents of the aqueous
extracts from Ononis spinosa L. In: Arch Pharm 311(4):318-

    1. Hilp K et al., (1975) Arch Pharm 308:429.
      Horejsi V, Kocourek J, (1978) Biochim Biophys Acta 538.
      Kartnig T et al., (1985) Pharm Acta Helv 60(9/19):253.

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