PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh and dried
flowering plant and the roots.

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are greenish-white in axillary,
clustered, hanging panicles. The perigone has 4 tepals. There
are 4 stamens and 1 ovary with a brush-like stigma. The
flowers are dioecious. The male flowers have only stamens
and the female flowers only a style or a seed-producing
organ. The male flower consists of a perianth of 4 segments,
which enclose an even number of stamens. The stamens
curve inward in the bud stage and spring back at the end of
flowering for the anthers to fling out the pollen. The fruit is a
small 1-seeded nutlet.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant grows from 60 to 150 cm
high and has a winter hard rhizome. The leaves are opposite,
oblong-cordate and roughly serrate. The whole plant is
covered in stinging hairs.

Habitat: The plant is common in most temperate regions of
the world.

Production: Stinging Nettle herb consists of the fresh or
dried above-ground parts of Urtica dioica, Urtica urens and/
or hybrids of these species, collected during flowering
season. Stinging nettle leaf consists of fresh or dried leaves
of Urtica dioica, Urtica urens and/or hybrids of these species,
gathered during flowering season.

Not to be Confused With: The leaves of Laminum album.

Other Names: Nettle

In the stings of the fresh plant: histamine, serotonin,
acetylcholine, formic acid, leukotriens (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4)

Flavonoids (0.7-1.8%): including rutin, isoquercitrin
(0.02%), astragalin, kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside

Silicic acid (1-4%): partially water-soluble

Volatile oil: chief components are ketones, including, among
others, 2-methylhept-2-en-6-on

Potassium-ions (0.6% in the fresh foliage)

Nitrates (1.5 to 3%)

The fresh leaves contain acetylcholine, serotin and hista-
mine. The pressed juice (main active principles scopoletine,
beta-sitosterol and caffeoyl malic acid) is diuretic in
combination with sufficient fluid intake. In animal experi-
ments, a local anaesthetic and analgesic effect has been
observed. Caffeoyl acid in vitro, inhibits 5-lipoxygenase-

dependent leukotriene synthesis. In various studies, an
antirheumatic and anti-arthritic effect was demonstrated.
Anti-inflammatory Effect - In one study, an extract from
Stinging Nettle leaves (IDS 23) was tested for the ability to
inhibit the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid metabolites in
vitro. IDS 23 showed a strong concentration dependent
inhibition of cyclooxygenase derived reactions. A phenolic
acid isolate from the extract inhibited the synthesis of
leukotriene B4 in a concentration dependent manner. The
authors concluded that the combination of these effects may
account for the antiphlogistic effects of this extract of
Stinging Nettle (Obertreis, 1996.)
Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol (0.03 to 0.06%),
beta-sitosterol-3-O-beta-glucoside (0.03 to 0.5%), (6'-Pal-
mitoyl)-sitosterol-3-0-beta-D-glucoside (0.003%), 7alpha-
hydroxysitosterol (0.001%), 7eta-Hydroxysitosterol
(0.001%), stigmasterol, campesterol, stigmast-4-en-3-one
Lectins (0.1%): UDA (Urtica dioica Agglutinin, isolectine
Polysaccharides: glucans, glucogalacturonans, acidic arabi-
' nogalactans water-soluble with immunostimulating effect)
Hydroxycoumarins: scopoletin
Lignans: including secoisolariciresinol-9-O-glucoside
(0.004%), neo-olivil (0.003%), neo-olivil-4-O-glucoside
Effects on Prostate Tissue - The root has been show to cause
an increase in the volume of urine, increase of maximum
urinary flow and reduction of residual urine. One study
found that an aqueous extract of the root was the most
effective in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. The extract
inhibited the binding of sex hormone-binding globulin
(SHBG) to its receptor on human prostatic membranes in a
dose related manner. Inhibition was noted at 0.6 mg/ml and
complete inhibition was achieved at 10 mg/ml (Hryb et al,
1995.) In a second study, most ligans that were tested were
found to have an affinity for SHBG. The affinity of (-)-3,4-
divanillyltetrahydrofuran was found to be extremely high
(Schottner, 1997.)
Viral Inhibition - The (N-acetylglucosamine) n-specific
lectin fron Stinging Nettle was found to be inhibitory to
HIV-1, HIV-2, CMV, RSV and influenza A virus in-vitro at
an EC-50 (50% inhibitory concentration) ranging from 0.3 to
0.9 micrograms/ml (Balzarini, 1992.)
Effects on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-like Pathology -
Urtica dioica agglutinin (UDA) treated MRL lpr/lpr mice
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