Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Johann Stieglitz –

I have often thought it would be important to
instruct physicians how to behave in cases of
incurable disease; not so much to tell them what
to do, but rather what not to do.
Letter to Dr Karl F. H. Marx, December ()

Andrew T. Still –

Rural Missouri doctor and founder of osteopathy

Quit your pills and learn from Osteopathy the
principle that governs you. Learn that you are a
machine, your heart an engine, your lungs a
fanning machine and a sieve, your brain with its
two lobes an electric battery.
Quoted in The Autobiography of AT StillKirksville, MO.
self-published ()

Alfred Stillé –

US professor of medicine Philadelphia

To the vulgar apprehension, nothing seems more
natural than that women should be physicians, for
is not nursing the chief agent in the cure of
disease, and who so fit a nurse as woman!
Transactions of the American Medical Association: ()

Charles R. Stockard –

US gynaecologist and researcher

Success in life depends upon the three I’s,
Integrity, Intelligence and Industry.

Walter C. Stolov –

Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
Washington, Seattle

There is no one-to-one correlation between a
disease and the spectrum of disability problems
that may be associated with it.
Evaluation of the Patient, p. In: Krusen’s Handbook of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. W. B. Saunders,
Philadelphia, USA ()

Rex Stout –

US writer

There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look
up and the kind you make up.
Death of a DoxyCh. 

Maurice B. Strauss –

US Physician

So far as organization exists in every system from
that of the atom to the universe, and from that of
the single cell to the society of nations, the
properties of no system can be wholly deduced
from a knowledge of its isolated parts.
New England Journal of Medicine, : ()

Medicine can never abdicate the obligation to care
for the patient and to teach patient care.
Medicine: ()

If they are not interested in the care of the
patient, in the phenomena of disease in the sick,
they should not be in the clinical department of
medicine, since they cannot teach students
clinical medicine.
Medicine: ()

Samuel Enoch Stumpf –

US philosopher, Tennessee
Some drugs have been appropriately called
‘wonder-drugs’ inasmuch as one wonders what
they will do next.
Annals of Internal Medicine: ()

Su Wen

Chinese sage
The sage does not treat those who are ill, but those
who are well.
The heart is in accord with the pulse.
The complexion of a person shows when the heart
is in a splendid condition.
Net Ching Su WenBook , Section 

William Graham Sumner –

US economist and sociologist

It used to be believed that the parent had
unlimited claims on the child and rights over him.
In a truer view of the matter, we are coming to see
that the rights are on the side of the child and the
duties on the side of the parent.
The Forgotten Man’s AlmanacOctober ()

Susruta c.BC–AD

Hindu physician

When the doctor states that a man suffers from
honey urine, he has also declared him incurable.
From the Ayur Vedaquoted by R. Muller in ‘Die Harnruhr
der Alt-Inder’ Arch. Ges. Med.: ()

A pupil who is pure, obedient to his preceptor,
applies himself steadily to his work, and abandons
laziness and excessive sleep, will arrive at the end
of the science he has been studying.
Sushruta-Samhita‘Sutrasthanam’ Ch. 

The patient, who may mistrust his own parents,
sons and relations, should repose an implicit faith
in his own physician, and put his own life into his
hands without the least apprehension of danger;
hence a physician should protect his patient as his
own begotten child.
Sushruta-Samhita‘Sutrasthanam’ Ch. 

That person alone is fit to nurse or to attend the
bedside of a patient, who is cool-headed and
pleasant in his demeanour, does not speak ill of
any body, is strong and attentive to the
requirements of the sick, and strictly and
indefatigably follows the instructions of the
Sushruta-Samhita‘Sutrasthanam’ Ch. .

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