Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Rudolf Virchow –

German pathologist

A cell in which every cell is a citizen.
Die Cellularpathologie () Disease, Life and Manp. –
(transl. Lelland J. Rather, Stanford University Press, )

All cells come from other cells.
Die Cellularpathologie () Disease, Life and Manp. –
(transl. Lelland J. Rather, Stanford University Press, )

At that time we attempted to shake off the spell
which philosophy, nature-philosophy in particular,
had for a long period cast over science. We fought
against ‘a priori’ speculation; we rejected systems,
and we relied solely on experience.
Standpoints in Scientific Medicine–() (transl.
Lelland J. Rather, Stanford University Press, )

There can be no scientific dispute with respect to
faith, for science and faith exclude one another.
Disease, Life, and Man‘On Man’

The physicians are the natural attorneys of the
poor and the social problems should largely be
solved by them.
Rudolf Virchow, ‘The Doctor’(Ervin H. Ackernecht)

Marriages are not normally made to avoid having
Quoted in ‘Medical Proverbs’ by F. H. Garrison, Bulletin of
the New York Academy of MedicineOctober: –()

Has not science the noble privilege of carrying on
its controversies without personal quarrels?
Quoted in ‘Medical Proverbs’ by F. H. Garrison, Bulletin of
the New York Academy of MedicineOctober: –()

The touchstone of science is power of
performance, for it is a truism that what can, also
will, and thus attains to real existence.
Quoted in ‘Medical Proverbs’ by F. H. Garrison, Bulletin of
the New York Academy of MedicineOctober: –()

Should medicine ever fulfill its great ends, it
must enter into the large political and social life
of our time; it must indicate the barriers which
obstruct the normal completion of the life-cycle
and remove them.
Quoted in ‘Medical Proverbs’ by F. H. Garrison, Bulletin of
the New York Academy of MedicineOctober: –()

Even in the hands of the greatest physicians, the
practice of medicine is never identified with
scientific (laboratory) medicine, but is only an
application of it.
Quoted in ‘Medical Proverbs’ by F. H. Garrison, Bulletin of
the New York Academy of MedicineOctober: –()

Medical instruction does not exist to provide
individuals with an opportunity of learning how
to make a living, but in order to make possible the
protection of the health of the public.
Address to medical students in Berlin.

Virgil – 

Roman poet

Miseris succurrere disco.
(I learn to relieve the suffering)

That sweet, deep sleep, so close to tranquil death.
AeneidVI. 

It was his part to learn the powers of medicine
and the practice of healing, and careless of fame,
to exercise the quiet art.
Time carries all things, even our wits, away.

Karl Vogt –

German zoologist
The brain secretes thought as the stomach secretes
gastric juice, the liver bile and the kidneys urine.
Köhlerglaube and Wissenschaft

Richard Volkmann –

German professor of surgery, Leipzig

I reject the feeling expressed in England in their
preference for colostomy over resection of the
Beitragen Zur Chirurgie, Leipzig , quoted by Marvin
Corman in Diseases of the Colon and Rectum: –

François Voltaire –

French writer and philosopher

Wounds of the soul are a disease wherein the
patient must minister to himself.
Letter to a friend ()
Men will always be mad and those who think they
can cure them are the maddest of all.
Letter ()
Men who are occupied in the restoration of health
to other men, by the joint exertion of skill and
humanity, are above all the great of the earth.
They even partake of divinity, since to preserve
and renew is almost as noble as to create.
A Philosophical Dictionary‘Physicians’ ()
Man can have only a certain number of teeth,
hair and ideas; there comes a time when he
necessarily loses his teeth, hair and ideas.
A Philosophical Dictionary‘Physicians’ ()
Not that suicide always comes from madness.
Letter to James Marriott ()

I know nothing more laughable than a doctor
who does not die of old age.
Letter to Charles Feriol November ()

Who are the greatest deceivers? The doctors? And
the greatest fools? The patients?

A physician is one who pours drugs of which he
knows little into a body of which he knows less.

Peter de Vries –

US writer

We know the human brain is a device to keep the
ears from grating one on another.
Comfort me with ApplesCh. 

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something
is eating us.
Comfort Me with ApplesCh. 

  ·  

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