Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
German law

Any person suffering from an hereditary disease
may be rendered incapable of procreation by
means of a surgical operation if the experience of
medical science shows that it is highly probable
that his descendants would suffer from some
serious physical or mental hereditary defect.
For the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased OffspringJuly,

German proverbs

A half doctor near is better than a whole one far

Invalids live longest.

No doctor is better than three.

Old age is a hospital that takes in all diseases.

Sickly body, sickly mind.

When the boy is growing he has a wolf in his

Man without woman is head without body;
woman without man is body without head.

Medicines are not meat to live by.

Sauerkraut is good for a cold.

The garden is the poor man’s apothecary.

Edward Gibbon –

English historian

That salutary and lucrative profession.
Describing doctors from Salerno in the twelfth century in
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Kahlil Gibran –

Syrian writer and painter

You may give them your love but not your

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
The Prophet‘On Children’

André Gide –

French writer

True kindness presupposes the faculty of
imagining as one’s own the suffering and joy of

W. Gill Wylie th century

Harvard-trained US physician

But to extend hospitals any further is to encourage
pauperism, idleness, and the breakup of the
family. Hospitals tend to weaken the family tie by
separating the sick from their homes and their
relatives, who are often too ready to relieve
themselves of the burden of the sick.
Hospitals: Their History, Organization, and Construction,
Appleton New York (), pp. –(quoted in The Social

Transformation of American MedicinePaul Starr. Basic
Books, New York ())

Muriel Gillick

Contemporary, Hebrew Rehabilitation Center, Boston,
Doctors cruelly and needlessly prolong the lives of
the dying (for reasons) of avarice and passion for
Archives of Internal Medicine: –()

Sir William S. Gilbert –

English author and lyricist

I see no objection to stoutness, in moderation.
IolantheAct I

Paul Gill

Contemporary British anthropologist and nurse

Brain death may very well be a distinct,
physiological entity but this concept of death is
not accepted in many cultures and much
anthropological evidence exists to demonstrate
Care of the Critically Ill: ()

Sir Harold Gillies –

Plastic and burn surgeon

It is terrifying to think what will happen when the
mystery of organ transference has been solved; it
can be as revolutionary as the cleaving of the
atom. Anybody would be able to go into his local
organ bank and, for a not insurmountable sum,
trade in a weak heart or a feeble brain for a better
one, or a cirrhotic liver for a healthier one.
In Principles and Art of Plastic Surgerywith Ralph Millard

There is no better training for a surgeon than to
be taught observation by a physician.
In Principles and Art of Plastic Surgerywith Ralph Millard
Vol. , Ch. ()

The great ignominy to the plastic surgeon is his
inability to remove a scar without leaving another
In Principles and Art of Plastic Surgerywith Ralph Millard
Vol. , Ch. ()

It is easy to agree to do a beauty operation, but
not always quite so easy to be certain it is justified.
In Principles and Art of Plastic Surgerywith Ralph Millard
Vol. II, Ch. ()

Raanan Gillon –

British professor of medical ethics
Meanwhile the medical profession—with our
awesome and to some terrifying powers over life
and death—must continue to earn that public
trust by being absolutely clear that the law as it
stands means we must never treat our patients
with the intent of accelerating their deaths.
British Medical Journal: ()

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