Mechanical APDL Structural Analysis Guide

(lily) #1 Set the Analysis Title

  1. Choose menu path Utility Menu> File> Change Title.

  2. Type the text "Static Analysis of an Allen Wrench" and click on OK. Set the System of Units

  1. Click once in the Input Window to make it active for text entry.

  2. Type the command /UNITS,SI and press ENTER. Notice that the command is stored in the history buffer,
    which can be accessed by clicking on the down arrow at the right of the input window.

  3. Choose menu path Utility Menu> Parameters> Angular Units. The Angular Units for Parametric Functions
    dialog box appears.

  4. In the drop down menu for Units for angular parametric functions, select "Degrees DEG."

  5. Click on OK. Define Parameters

  1. Choose menu path Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters. The Scalar Parameters dialog box

  2. Type the following parameters and their values in the Selection field. Click on Accept after you define
    each parameter. For example, first type “e xx = 2.07e11” in the Selection field and then click on Accept.
    Continue entering the remaining parameters and values in the same way.

Parameter Value Description
EXX 2.07E11 Young's modulus is 2.07E11 Pa
W_HEX .01 Width of hex across flats = .01 m
W_FLAT W_HEX* TAN(30) Width of flat = .0058 m
L_SHANK .075 Length of shank (short end) .075 m
L_HANDLE .2 Length of handle (long end) .2 m
BENDRAD .01 Bend radius .01 m
L_ELEM .0075 Element length .0075 m
NO_D_HEX 2 Number of divisions along hex flat = 2
TOL 25E-6 Tolerance for selecting node = 25E-6 m


You can type the labels in upper- or lowercase; ANSYS always displays the labels in up-

  1. Click on Close.

  2. Click on SAVE_DB on the Toolbar.

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

A Sample Static Analysis (GUI Method)
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