Ananas and Anionites lOS
They refer to it as the cohesive element of the atom
which fills the inter-atomic space. This force is the
atmosphere organizing the elements of the atom."
"If science knows or suspects this third energy of the
atom, terminology isn't important. What doesn't science
"It's physical constitution, the way the ananas and
anionites are arranged in the universe to function as a
cohesive force. The intelligence within it."
"These little characters you call ananas and anion
ites-they're particles much smaller than the electron
and proton and are so micro minute that in my horrible
world nobody understands them?"
"Yes, but they're not, I repeat, not particles of matter.
They're units of energy. They have no molecular bodies.
"Here, let me draw them for you."
She started drawing a series of plus and minus signs in
several rows.
- +-+-+-+-
Then, with great enthusiasm and conviction, she said,
"This is your soul, your spirit, what you are, what I am,
what we all are. Our human bodies are made of atoms;
our spirit is made of ananas and anionites."
I stared at the markings on my pad.
"So, this is the human spirit."
"Yes. Spirit is energy; a vibration is energy."
"This really shocks me. It differs so much from what
I've been taught and believed all my life. This shatters
my whole outlook on modern scientific concepts."
"Just wait until an intelligent, open-minded, material-