(やまだぃちぅ) #1


To understand death a little better, let's make an
analogy. Take a factory where 200 people work. Out of
the 200, ten are responsible for running the operation
smoothly. One fine day these ten individuals decide to
quit all at the same time. Then you have chaos, confu­
sion, anarchy-a mess.
Now, compare this factory with the body of Joe Blow.
The 200 workers are his heart, brains, ananas, blood,
bones, veins, arteries, anionites, nervous system. The
ananas and anionites are the ones running the show.
One day they decide they no longer want to work for Joe
Blow, and they split. Now the heart, brains, blood,
bones, arteries, lungs and nervous system don't have the
intelligent direction to organize and synchronize them
properly, because the ananas and anionites are on strike.
What happens? The blood flow can't coordinate with the
heart, which in turn can't work with the brain, because
there isn't enough oxygen coming in from the lungs. In
short, you've got chaos, anarchy, confusion. Another
mess. That's physiological death."
"You're saying that the spirit is what makes our bodies
function? It's so simple. That's fantastic!"
"I'm glad you like it. Now that you know and under­
stand that your spirit is the Third Force, you ca n control
it. You can take your ananas and anionites out of your
body and transport them to any place. Nothing I'm
telling you is unknown nor new to your planet. It's called
astral projection. Remember when I mentioned medi­
ums, spiritualists, exorcism? These powers derive from
the control of this force.
There are religions that base their entire teachings
on taking the spirit out of the body. Lobsang Rampa and
the Tibetan lamas practice it. They're saying the same
thing, that you can take your ananas and anionites away
from your physical body for an outing."
"I've heard of this. If I remember correctly, Rampa

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