(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Chapter VIII
The Education of a Non-Believer

I awakened on Sunday with Rama nestled against my
hairy chest. Lying there, contently holding her in my
arms, I replayed in my mind our lovemaking scene in the
water the night before. Rama had said we were ex­
changing vibrations, becoming part of each other. I
recalled hearing about clinics in New York and Cali­
fornia where people make each other well by embracing.
Passing ananas and anionites, Rama would have said.
Even though I felt close to her, and had come to accept
that she was some form of advanced intelligence, I still
had my doubts about the things she was telling me and
the astral travel she was proposing. Not to mention the
book she wanted me to write. It was like two possibili­
ties: the biggest fool in the world or the greatest hero.
And I wouldn't know which it would be until it was too
Rama had said her mission was to save the world and
humanity. And nothing I'd observed about her so far
could disprove her sincerity. She was always peaceful,
precise and firm. I kept telling myself I had no reason to
fear her, just because she was supposed to be from
another planet. I wasn't being held hostage. I knew I
could leave any time I wanted to.
I also felt I'd be a fool to leave now.
Just then, Rama woke up and began moving her body
against me contentedly. We made love again. I found the
experience had nothing to do with being in the wa ter. It
was our at one vibration and yet somehow completely
Afterwards, she jumped out of bed and began play­
fully throwing my clothes to me, so I could get dressed
while still under the covers in the cold room.

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