(やまだぃちぅ) #1


"I think I understand you so far," I said, noticing the
light reflecting off the chrome of the volkswagen. As I
drove, I listened to her, letting my mind concentrate on
my driving yet at the same time flow with the images her
words created.
My eye continued to catch those reflections, while
Rama said, "In order to find your silver cord, you'll have
to look for it in one of these reflections. It's the thinnest
and the brightest. Many times you'll lose sight of it,
which doesn't mean it's disappeared. It just means that
you won't see it at that point. But you'll sense it, because
you're part of this electric frequency between the light
and your eye. Many times the reflections between the
sunset and the eye have a bridge between them, a tiny
cord that comes straight at you. It'll be the brightest and
the thinnest ray of light. When you find it, you'll know it
in your heart. Don't tell me, 'Yes, I've found it,' just to
please me, because you'll be cheating yourself out of
eternal life. It's something you must find yourself. No
one can help you. This is the God inside you. Remember
when they told you man is made in the image of God? All
right, this is it. When you find the silver cord, you've
found eternal life."
"All right," I said, "let's see if I understand. When you
look for the silver cord, you find something like a thread
of light between your eye and the light producing or
reflecting object?"
"Yes; in fact, some call it the golden thread instead of
the silver cord."
"When I find it, what state will I be in, conscious or
"Aha! That's a very good question. In order to find
your silver cord you must let your body go. It must be so
relaxed that you go into a semi-trance. You need the
same kind of concentration that goes into hypnotizing
someone. I'm not going to hypnotize you, though. I gave
you the directions. If you want to do it by yourself in the

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