(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Because they are accounts of angels, celestial armies,
people coming in flying machines. Take, for example,
Revelations 15:1:

And I saw another sign in heaven, great and mar­
velous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; fo r in
them is filled up the wrath of God.

The angels mentioned here are extraterrestrials, per­
haps living on this planet right now.
Let's take chapter 19:14 of Revelation:

And the Armies wh ich are in heaven followed him
upon white horses.

These armies are us, preparing for Armageddon,
We're preparing our strategy, and we're standing by,
because after the first part of the year 197 6, you'll see
many developments. You're going to be studying them.
By then you should be writing this book, and you'll have
begun seeing, by yourself, just by following the news
"What will I be seeing, Rama ?"
"What we are going to discuss here in our next few

  • II
    "I'll be seeing things in the news media?"
    "Yes. Because when we get to the message part, I'm
    not going to use any names. I'm not going to say, 'Joe
    Blow is going to be the antichrist.' But I11 give you
    plenty of clues, so by keeping up with the news events,
    and by putting two and two together, you'll know who
    this man is going to be. We can't say this country is going
    to do such and such a thing to that country. We'll just
    refer to a nation in this world that is going to be doing
    this to another nation in this world.
    "You recall, about a month ago, when I told you what

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