years to complete its orbit. At a certain point in that
orbit, which happens once each cycle, it comes very close
to our solar system without crossing the orbits of any of
our planets. Naturally, this phenomenon causes very
serious disturbances to our planetary system.
Your world is going to suffer the consequences of
these attractional influences forty-six days of each year,
in the late seventies or early eighties, becoming stronger
as we approach the year 2001. Right now, it's not quite
noticeable, but you'll notice it more and more towards
- If we were to check this date very carefully with
the dates given by the prophecies of the Great Pyramids,
and with the predictions of some South American
psychics, we could clearly see that we're dealing not with
something written in the Bible as religious rubbish, but
as a present cyclical phenomenon.
The last time Hercolubus went by must have been
close to 6,600 years ago; that's one of the reasons that
knowledge of its existence is dim, obtainable only
through the reading of ancient relics such as the Great
The return of this planet will begin to be felt
sometimf' between 1978 and 1980. You'll remember that
between 1970 and now there have been several bad
earthquakes, especially in South America and the Paci
fic. But the worst part of it will be between 1982 and - That's when the earth's axis is going to get out of
its present position. This will cause the sun to hit the
earth with the same intensity, in a constant way, over
the poles. Within a few years, the ice on the poles will
melt, covering great extensions of land. It will also
change the cycles of the seasons; there will be only two
seasons, probably spring and fall.
This is going to explain the ice ages, the periods of
evolution, all of which are 6,666 year periods. Later,
when we talk about the antichrist as a beast of destruc-