(やまだぃちぅ) #1

whole story is in your Bible. All you have to do is search
for it, and you'll find it.
Our scientists and other people who are aware of the
existence of Hercolubus, are making preparations, be­
cause we know it's coming. On this planet of yours, our
mission is to inform the people who actually want to know
about this. We're here to help them, and to take a group of
your people to start the next era, the Age of Aquarius,
once the cataclysms have passed.
You remember the Garden of Eden, Paradise, Utopia,
Eternal Life-this is what 111 be teaching you. These refer
to a place Jesus promised, where everything is beautiful,
harmonious and peaceful.
You11 be writing about your experiences here, about
what you've learned. You're going to have enough
understanding to grasp these things.
By watching the news, reading newspapers, magazines
and books, and doing your research, you're going to
become convinced that what I'm telling you so far is true.
Many of the things I tell you will be happening right
before your eyes.
I'm confident you can help us do it. So I thank you for
coming. I think you're a good person who will never
regret having made this kind of decision."
By the time we finished this conversation, we had
arrived in a small town called Concepcion. We drove
through it, saw its highlights and continued driving. We
stopped by a river, where we sat and spent a beautiful
quiet afternoon.
I was very deep in my thoughts, due to the new and
somehow frightening things I'd just heard. Being with
Rama, knowing that I was also cultivating my spirit, I
was no longer afraid.
Rama and I decided to take in a movie in Huancayo
that night. We had such an enjoyable evening we decided
to stay overnight.

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