"I see what you mean."
The Antichrist 197
"So we have the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Battle
of Armageddon. After that, the triumphant return of
Christ. Not as a lamb, but as a lion. After this, comes
Eternal life. There will be a new Earth, a new Heaven,
and a new Humanity.
These changes are not within the powers of your
earth-like imagination, but it is apparently a matter of
creation. This is what will endure in peace forever and
ever. This is what Christ promises you, and for that you
don't have to belong to any church. Because the church
es are all confused and divided nowadays, so concerned
with insignificant issues.
What you have to do from now on, is just practice
living your life according to the principles given in the
old Christian teachings. Be good, and honest with
yourself and with your fellow human beings. When you
understand God, you love the people around you. That
way, you automatically keep the commandments."
"This is what Christ is all about?"
"Yes, that is Christ. See, without knowing it, you are a
good Christian."
"But I've told you what I've been told in school and in
my religious education."
"Forget about your religious education. That will
never lead you anywhere except to confusion. You
remember all those letters to the churches at the
beginning of Revelation?"
"That's very interesting, isn't it?"
"Okay, got it. But I'm still confused about this
"The Rapture is the moment when Christ takes his
people of the earth, the people who are deserving. The
cream of the crop, to join him in Heaven. The Rapture is
not so much a philosophy to help Christians endure the
trials of earthly life. It is a specific promise from Jesus