(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Antichrist^203

of Jerusalem, or the Vatican. In Revelation 16:14, the
focal point of Armageddon is Israel.

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,
which go fo rth unto the kings of this earth, and of the
whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day
of God Almighty .... And he gathered them together into
a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

If we want to be a little more specific about Armaged­
don, it refers to the Valley of Megiddo in Israel, where
countless battles have been fought throughout biblical
history. Let's face it, the holiest place on earth looks like
the ideal setting for a first class war."
"You say Christ is going to be present at the Arma­
geddon battle?"
"The day J. C. comes to battle will be decided as events
develop. Humanity will have the means to destroy the
entire human race. Not slowly, like now. But Jesus will
come to prevent this. Remember, you have to use your
imagination when his actual appearance is described in
Revelation, chapter 1:7."

Behold, he comes with clouds and every eye shall see

"How could every eye see him at once?"
"In our times and in our modern concept of things,
there is satellite television. The image of Christ could be
beamed in the clouds and made accessible to every eye at
once. Let's say you pick up your T.V. Guide, and you see
that the arrival of Christ is going to be broadcast, live.
Wouldn't you turn on your television set?"
"Of course."
"But Christ isn't coming as a television personality.
His coming will have a grim purpose, as we've seen in
Revelation, chapter 19, verses 11 through 14."

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