(やまだぃちぅ) #1

last judgment. Perhaps the population explosion is a
prepa ra tion for appearing before the Great Judge.
Everyone will be reincarnated from all their previous
"Uhuh. Now that corresponds to what I was told
about doomsday. The resurrection is everyone being
here, reincarnated from previous lives.
It's a little hard to accept that people won't be able to
die. Not that I doubt you, but it defies all natural
phenomena I've ever known. What would happen to me
if I were to shoot myself in those days?"
"You could be wounded, but you wouldn't die."
"That would be horrible."
"Your mind cannot conceive the terror, desolation,
abomination, fa mine ... and yet not being able to die."
"I get the chills just listening to you talk about it. What
about the 144 ,000who you say will be spared? When will
they be saved?"
"During the Rapture. It's here in the Fatima message.
As I told you yesterday, those who choose to repent and
serve God will see the glory of it. Those people will get a
'seal on their forehead.' I'm quoting the Bible, Revelation
7:3. Sealing the forehead, in symbolic language, means
that 144,000 people will receive wisdom and under­
standing, making them repent of their sins. This is the
group who will start loving and helping others, even in
the most terrible of times. So don't expect someone to
come and rubber stamp your forehead."
"How are they going to be given this chance?"
"That's where we extraterrestrials come in; we're the
apocalyptical angels sealing foreheads. We're the ser­
vants of God, preparing the ground for the second
coming of Christ. But we're nothing but people, as you
can see. People from other places in the universe, who
will be contacting people from every walk of life.
Everyone will have their chance, regardless of what they
were before."

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