tan's evil forces, the antichrist, and the false prophets,
will be sitting on the thrones of organized religions. We
both know the church doesn't practice Jesus's teachings,
even though they use his name. They work for corrup
tion and deceit.
We've spoken about a political figure, the antichrist,
and now the Fatima message tells us that he'll make his
headquarters right in the heart of the church. Revela
tion says that he'll have supernatural powers such as
being able to make fire come down from heaven, which
will deceive people, and that everyone will be given a
mark on their foreheads or their right hands. Nobody
will be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark, or
name, or number of the beast. We're told that this
number is the number of a man and his number is six six
' II
"That number has a significant meaning to many
"There's been a great deal of speculation about it. For
instance, many say it symbolizes the evil of man against
God. Others say it could be the biblical Armageddon.
This concept coincides with the world happenings now
adays. The Bible gives this number as a symbol of the
apocalyptical beast of destruction. This number wasn't
an invention of the prophets. It was taken out of the
Great Pyramid to mean destruction, pain, shame and
humiliation. It was given to the prophets without
specific era, nation, man or religion. Some Bible scholars
applied it to Babylon while others have been attaching it
to the Catholic church. Some even say that it could be
Bolshevic Communism taking over the world.
Now it also says here in the Bible, 'he who has
understanding count the number of the beast, for it is a
number of a man."'
"Could this be the name and number of someone, like
for instance, Elizabeth the Second, Henry the Eighth?