(やまだぃちぅ) #1


believe it or not; aher all, these are only in tea pr et.tions
taken from the Pyramid. But I'd like you to take a couple
of minutes to analyze this. So far, the Pyramid has been
delivering significant dates accurately throughout the
whole adamic era. Do you think that at the end it's going
to fail?.
"I can't wait to get this book you're talking about.•
'"You can get it here in lima.·
"Can I? 111 get one as soon as I get back then. You say
this book gives these dates and that they were taken
from every bend, corridor and angle in that Pyramid r
"That's exactly what I've said.·
"What is this about the Jews r
"The Jewish race is well recorded in the Great Pyra­
mid. When you read the book you11 see in the dnwings
and plans of the whole system a block of red gnn.ite that
symbolizes the Jews. As you go along, you1l see tM ever
present red granite block. •
"You've also said the Jewish prophets took most of
their information from the Great Pyramid to write the
"Yes. The Pyramid and the Bible do not contndict

each other. On the contrary, they are paralld. TM only

difference is chronology. The prophets don't gift you
dates; the Pyramid does. •
"Give me a few examples. •
"Read Daniel 12: 2 and 12. .,

Au at tlrat ti1flt sluall Mi<.l slnll .,. tlw vr-t
"""'' JDiticlt staxanlt for tltl cltiWmc of tlty ,.,II: a..l
tlttrt sltall he a timt af tro••l.t • .swlt as uwr ..s siNCt
tlttrt rNS 11 Natin tMI fo tla.t saww tiwet: a.J al tUI tiww
tlty fM'plt sltall he dtliwml. tWry ortt tUI sA.ll w fo•u
JDrittnt iN tltt 6rool-.
Artd JfiiiNY of tlttM tltat sl, i• tltt daasl of tltt ,.,.,,
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