The Fourth Dimension 283
being spiritual and loving towards one another. They're
being good Christians. When two people vibrate at a
certain even frequency, they're mutually blessed. The
more they enjoy it, climax together; one beautiful mass
of energy will generate from their bodies. An energy
that is peaceful and you better believe, beautiful. The
God that lives inside you enjoys the gift of life. There are
even some parts of the world where the sexual act is a
form of prayer. It is called Tantric Yoga.
Does that answer your question?"
"Well, I have another one. Did Jesus ever ... I mean, to
the best of your knowledge ... have such desires?"
"He was a man like any other man. Having a beautiful
sexual experience with someone is not sinful. But if
you've connived to get someone, say someone young
and inexperienced, into bed by telling her you'll make
her into a movie star, that's not good. Now you know
better. Get your satisfaction in peace."
"Tell me some more about the Fourth Dimension," I
said, changing the subject.
"There's no such thing as a scientific explanation for
miracles and supernatural planes, other than what you
and I know as the Third Force. One thing can't be denied:
Miracles and supernatural powers, created by forces
that go beyond your understanding, have existed and
have happened. Events like the opening of the Red Sea
for the Jews to escape the armies of Ramses II, and Jesus
turning water into wine.
If these kinds of events happen and continue to
happen without any explanation from modern science,
we have to at least allow for the presence of an unusual
force generating these events.
In your world today, man is about to enter the door
that will take him into the secrets of what we're calling
the Fourth Dimension.
Even though we don't need to use verbal language