"This is only the beginning. Just a little taste. It's every
bit as easy as astral traveling, and far better when you do
it with your eyes open as you did today."
"Why is it better?"
"Because your scope of perception expands through
the added dimension of sight and can catch more of the
cosmic forces. You're more aware of light, which means
your spirit has more attractional forces working on it.
That enables it to travel freely in the cosmos."
"I don't understand it, but it was a fabulous experi
ence. That must be what is meant by a "natural high."
"Tomorrow, I'll have another little gift for you. And
this one you're going to like even more because you will
get in touch with other intelligences through the com
mon ground of the Fourth Dimension."
"I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of experience.
Don't forget, I'm still at an experimental point."
"Oh, come on, Chacho, you're such a spoiled baby! Of
course you're ready. Perhaps not tomorrow or the day
after, but with the proper drilling and practice, you11 be
able to travel to lots of places within the universe."
"Rama, I'm getting hungry and there's a phone call I
have to make to my people in Lima. I want to find out
what they've decided as far as my returning to the
United States. Would you mind very much driving to
Huancayo with me so I can place the call?"
"Not at all; let's go."
We arrived in Huancayo a little past six, and had
supper at the Restaurante Olympico. Afterwards we
drove to the phone company to call Lima. I thought it
was somewhat ironic, having found the secret of astral
projection and tuning into the electromagnetic waves of
radio and television broadcasting, that I still had to use a
telephone to get information about my flight from a
computer's memory banks, when in theory, I could
obtain it by tuning into the computer.