(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Chacho the Author 323

was another surprise for me, because I had been under
the impression that he only took quick trips there to
meet me.
I reflected back on one of my conversations with
Rama. She'd mentioned that the man I worked for was
destined to be assassinated some time around the end of
1975 or early 1976. At the time, I didn't want to believe
her, but this was only one of several of her predictions
that had come true with amazing accuracy.
Upon hearing the news about this assassination I
began remembering back in time to September, 1968,
when my work with him began to develop.
What you are about to read now may clarify why I was
so mistrustful of Ram a when I first met her in the Andes
Mountains. At that time, because of my own undercover
activities, I had begun to believe that everyone worked
for the CIA.
It all began in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the fall of

  1. I was doing some freelance work for a Universal
    Pictures production, which was under the direction of
    Alfred Hitchcock.
    An American couple approached me and asked me to
    join their organization, explaining in detail what my
    assignment would be. It seemed easy enough, but
    somewhat dark and mysterious. I expressed my concern
    about the secrecy aspect of the assignment they were
    offering me. They said their work, or our work if I chose
    to accept it, would be to report events as they happened
    in certain places in the world where the news is carefully
    censored before it hits the wire services.
    At the time, I had just turned 24. I was naive,
    inexperienced and somewhat idealistic. The proposal
    sounded intriguing. My recruiters told me I would be
    serving a nation in its intelligence work. I wasn't that
    naive. I was fairly certain they were associated with the

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