(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Finally Believing 345

Peruvian government to sabotage Roy's deal. He also
created problems with the Association of Peruvian
� iorses in Peru. The former president of that association
told me one day to my face that I had forged export
I argued with him that it was unnecessary for me to
forge documents since I could get them legally, and fast,
pointing out that I partied with the number one man in
government and would have no problem getting my
horses out of the country.
Apparently my argument had a negative effect. The
former president declared that I was an "undesirable,"
and even went so far as to write to the American
Associations to inform them of my undesirability.
I wrote a couple of letters, asking him to be open about
any complaint he might have against me, but he ignored
the situation in a most unprofessional way.
It's a good thing all these trials and tribulations took
place when I already had a solid foundation in the
teachings of Jesus Christ. Every time something terrible
happened, I'd just try to think about how Christ would
have handled the situation. To do that, I had to accept
Christ in my heart. It took a lot of convincing and
studying, but after Rama had pulled a few numbers
together, I had no other choice.
About a week after Roy left Peru, I got a call from New
York. A businessman named Danny wanted me to buy
some Peruvian horses. This was an answer to prayer. It
was the same day I'd been doing some reading about St.
Jude, which said he was also the protector of those spirits
who want to earn their living by doing honest work. If
you're on good terms with this guide in the universe,
you'll always have a job. This hit me as I was hanging up
the phone after talking to Danny.
I made the same deal with Danny that I'd had with
Roy. I'd get his horses, and he'd get me a nice ranch

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