My First Meeting with Rama 29
"Well, I don't know you all that well yet," she
answered, "but once we get acquainted a little better,
and if I think you're able to handle it, I'll tell you many
interesting things.'
"It's a deal."
"I see you were a good boy and brought your Bible."
"Well, isn't it nice to feel superior and teacherlike," I
said sarcastically. "It wasn't easy, but here it is." I held
out the book. "Uh oh, this Bible is written in Spanish!"
"That's okay with me," Rama said coolly. "I speak
Spanish, too."
Rama's Spanish was more than good, it was great;
fluent as any Peruvian native. Her proficiency in the
language reawakened my suspicions. She had obviously
had lots of training in Spanish. Maybe I had been right;
she could be CIA. After all, in this part of South America,
secret agents were not uncommon.
She looked straight at me as these thoughts raced
through my mind. Again I observed that strange mys
terious stare. Then, with a Mona Lisa like smile, she said,
"Relax, I'm not with the CIA."
Her comment startled me. "How did you know what I
was thinking?"
Again, the mysterious smile. "Your eyes are giving
you away."
"If I remember correctly," she said, "you are here
today because you are interested in UFOs."
"You're right," I said, turning my attention back to the
Bible in my hand. "What kind of relationship do you
establish between the Bible and flying saucers?"
"First of all," she began, "let me remind you that this
little book was written many thousands of years ago by
many people whose names are familiar to you-Moses,
King David, Solomon, Ezekiel, Daniel, Saint John, Saint
Matthew, even the words of Christ are here."
"Yes, I recognize those names."
"Chacho, these were sober people who wrote of their