(やまだぃちぅ) #1

to read my mind. I guess psychic abilities are part of
being an extra terrestrial?"
"No, not exactly," she said. "A lot of people on earth
can also read minds. It's simply a telepathic way of
communication using mind waves to tune into other
minds around you. The concept is quite simple: You have
a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. They both have
complicated machinery capable of producing and receiv­
ing electrical waves. These vibrations aren't visible, but
the machinery can broadcast them either into sounds or
images, as in the case of television and radio."
"You're saying, then, that my mind could broadcast a
thought at some frequency, perceptible to you. You sort
it out in that beautiful head of yours, and you know what
I'm thinking?"
"Good boy, Charlie! Yes, something like that, but I11
go into more detail when we talk about the force that
keeps things rolling in the universe."
Her words conveyed enthusiasm and sincerity, yet it
was still difficult for me to say, "Yes, Rama, I believe you,
you're a space traveler." So, instead I said, "Look, Rama,
I'm very impressed by your sincerity, but I've just never
met anybody from outer space before. That's why I'm
trying to be open to what you're saying. There are
certain hang-ups I have that make it difficult for me to
cope with this. I enjoy being with you, though."
"I can see you're still confused," she said, "even
somewhat afraid. But at the same time, you're too
curious to let go, and that makes you willing to give it a
try. So, why don't we get out of the water and go
somewhere comfortable where we can talk more."
"Not to the top of that hill again," I groaned.
"No, on the grass by the river."
We got out of the water, collected our things, and
walked, naked, to the back of the bathhouse. The sun
was beautiful, warming us. By now I was certain that

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