(やまだぃちぅ) #1

with Von Daniken's Chariot of the Gods. Compare these
studies with the biblical accounts. Use simple logic. For
example, if there is no logical astronomical explanation
for the star that guided the three wise men to where
Jesus was born, that is, if it wasn't a star, what was it?"
"Some sort of UFO?"
"Good boy. That's the spirit."
"Get out of here, yo u phony," I said angrily.
"You go now, Charles. If that's what you think you
should do. But if you decide to come back, all you have to
do is drive to this part of the world and we'll find you."
"Is this what you do all the time? Meet people and tell
them you're a visitor from another planet and that you
know the secrets of the ages?"
"Yes. We talk to lots of people all over this earth. But
we're very selective who we tell about ourselves."
"Have you told very many people that you're visitors
from outer space?"
"Not too many. Just a few. We can always sense
"You ever get negative reactions?"
"Some think we're crazy. Some li!?ten politely. Some
show genuine interest then fade away. Some think we're
saboteurs, infiltrators, spies, CIA agitators."
"Where do I fit in?"
"You're still in no man's land. You could go either
"I need some time to think all this over."
"It's up to you, your own choice. You can come back
whenever you're ready. But before you go, let's read
something here in your bible. Th en I have a hunch you'll
wa nt to come back.
"Do the names Sodom and Gomorrah mean anything
to you?"
"Two cities of some given time in history. Someone
wrote something tragic about them."
"They were biblical cities."

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