Principles of Managerial Finance

(Dana P.) #1
CHAPTER 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning 141



Remember to check the book’s Web site at
for additional resources, including additional Web exercises.

the percent-of-sales methodto estimate all values exceptdepreciation expense
and interest expense, which have been estimated by management and
included in the table.)
b. Use the projected financial data along with relevant data from the pro forma
income statement prepared in part ato prepare the pro forma balance sheet
at December 31, 2004. (Hint:Use the judgmental approach.)
c. Will Martin Manufacturing Company need to obtain external financingto
fund the proposed equipment modernization program? Explain.

WEB EXERCISE Go to the Best Depreciation Calculatorat the Fixed Asset Info. site, http://www. Use this calculator to determine the
straight-line, declining balance (using 200%), and MACRS depreciation sched-
ules for the following items, using half-year averaging (the half-year convention).

Make a chart comparing the depreciation amounts that these three methods
yield for the years 2002 to 2007. Discuss the implications of these differences.

Item Date placed in service Cost

Office furnishings 2/15/2002 $22,500
Laboratory equipment 5/27/2001 $14,375
Fleet vehicles 9/5/2000 $45,863
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