Principles of Managerial Finance

(Dana P.) #1

228 PART 2 Important Financial Concepts

perfectly positively correlated
Describes two positively
correlated series that have a
correlation coefficientof1.

perfectly negatively correlated
Describes two negatively
correlatedseries that have a
correlation coefficientof 1.

Describes two series that lack
any interaction and therefore
have a correlation coefficient
close to zero.

Perfectly Positively Correlated Perfectly Negatively Correlated

Return Return




Time Time


The correlation between
series M and series N

Return Return Return

Asset F Asset G

Portfolio of
Assets F and G

Time Time Time

k k


Combining negatively
correlated assets to diversify

correlation coefficient
A measure of the degree of
correlation between two series.

The degree of correlation is measured by the correlation coefficient,which
ranges from1 for perfectly positively correlatedseries to 1 for perfectly nega-
tively correlatedseries. These two extremes are depicted for series M and N in
Figure 5.5. The perfectly positively correlated series move exactly together; the per-
fectly negatively correlated series move in exactly opposite directions.

The concept of correlation is essential to developing an efficient portfolio. To
reduce overall risk, it is best to combine, or add to the portfolio, assets that have
a negative (or a low positive) correlation. Combining negatively correlated assets
can reduce the overall variability of returns. Figure 5.6 shows that a portfolio
containing the negatively correlated assets F and G, both of which have the same
expected return, k,also has that same return kbut has less risk (variability) than
either of the individual assets. Even if assets are not negatively correlated, the
lower the positive correlation between them, the lower the resulting risk.
Some assets areuncorrelated—that is, there is no interaction between their
returns. Combining uncorrelated assets can reduce risk, not so effectively as com-
bining negatively correlated assets, but more effectively than combining positively
correlated assets. The correlation coefficient for uncorrelated assets is close to zero
and acts as the midpoint between perfect positive and perfect negative correlation.
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