Tactics, command, leadership

(Axel Boer) #1

During an attic fire in a large block of flats, the decision domain task
command is tackling the problem of preventing the fire from spreading to
an adjoining building. Information on this problem has not reached the
incident commander who is responsible for the decision domain operational
command. Task command will soon have problems coping with the situation
in the attic as operational command has not provided it with sufficient
resources over time. Task command is, here, working on a longer time scale
than operational command, which will inevitably result in operational
command ­ working on the shorter time scale ­ failing to supply task
command with sufficient resources.
System command, in its place, cannot afford to wait for, for example,
situation reports. Some things must be dealt with only on the basis of weak
indication, on longer time scales.

Example 27
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