Virtual Typography

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From visual poetry to modern typography: 1.6 Concrete poetry
1.5 Bauhaus and De Stijl

Concrete poetry

Following the Second World War, modern typography
helped to promote the recovering industries. But modern
typography itself did not develop much further. Many of
the avant-garde movements mentioned suffered from
the requirements of commercial industries. While the
diverse interpretations of the modernist design principles
sooner or later fell victim to the conservative constraints
of the commercial world, poetry allowed various post-
war typographers to escape commercial restrictions.
Concrete poetry, which emerged in the 1950s, is often
considered a late version of visual poetry. But most
concrete poems are fundamentally different in their
modus operandi. While visual poets challenged the
words semantically, concrete poets visually interpreted
their syntax. Concrete poets use the patterns of words,
letters and punctuation marks to make statements.
The word patterns are usually non-fi gurative. Using
methodical structural processes to alter the arrangement
of letters or words on a page, concrete poets relied on
the experience of reading to convey a second level of
meaning. As basic as the messages sometimes were,
concrete poetry allowed readers to experience the
process of reading per se, and exposed conventional
reading as a highly stereotypical activity.

Selected works – Joshua Reichert
Reichert was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1937.
He worked as a printer in his home town until studying
at the Art Academy of Karlsruhe from 1956 to 1957. His
studies incomplete, Reichert opened his own printing
workshop in Stuttgart in 1960 but moved to Munich a
year later. Along with his personal work, Reichert designs
typographic information materials such as posters and
announcements. He has become famous for his unusual
visual poems, which he sometimes produces by pressing
old wooden type on sheets of paper simply laid out on to
the fl oor. The posters shown here illustrate how Reichert
manages to challenge the functional aspects of typography
to the extreme. Reichert’s aesthetic arrangement of words
complement their meaning.

Job:01212 Title: Basics typography (AVA)
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